Chapter 65

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"So, what do you say? Pink shirt or white shirt?"
A slightly nervous blonde boy walked around his room in circles while clutching his mobile phone tightly in both his hands, an exasperated sigh leaving his mouth.

"Depends on what shade of pink. And what kind of family," a voice rung from the other side of the line, the blonde thinking silently for a while.

"Um, it's, like, pastel pink. It's really pretty, with lots of lace and some glitter on it. But then again, I don't know. I'm supposed to be there as their son's boyfriend and not some sort of overdressed fairy princess. Oh, the Jeons are the nicest people you could ever meet, by the way," he then rambled enthusiastically, still in a dilemma whether to wear or not to wear the pink shirt.

"Mrs. Jeon was the first person I came out to. It's like she saw something in me and she knows exactly what's going on inside me. Mother-in-law goals, I swear. And Mr. Jeon isn't home much because of his work, but when he is, he's super friendly and nice. He was really supportive of our relationship, which neither of us expected. He's amazing, I wish my father could be like that too..." He drifted off, rummaging further through his closet and now looking for pants.

"Holes or no holes?"
The person on the other line let out a sound of utter confusion.

"I have two pairs of trousers. Black, ripped jeans and kind-of highwaisted, also black ones." Taehyung held both of the clothing pieces in the air, steadying his phone by smushing it between his jaw and shoulder.
"You know the rules. Never wear anything with holes in it when you meet the parents."

"That's a shit rule, Yoongi. Everyone should be able to wear what they want. But yeah, I think the other ones look better, anyway." The boy shrugged, throwing the other pair into the closet again and forcing himself into the high-waisted pants while putting Yoongi on speaker.

"Yeah. Honestly, I don't think you need to be worried or nervous at all. From what I've heard, the whole family loves you to death and there's literally nothing you could do wrong. Didn't you spend practically your whole life with them by your side? Just be yourself as always, that's the best you could do. And wear the pink shirt. White's boring and I think you'd look good in a pink, lacey shirt."

"Awh, thanks," the blonde cooed, blowing kisses at his phone though he knew the other wouldn't see.
"I mean, I was Jungkook's best friend my whole life long and suddenly I am his boyfriend, even though it's the same parents, it's a different feeling. I mean, we're committed to each other and that's a big deal. But I'm probably getting nervous over nothing. Make-up or no make-up?," he asked as soon as he had changed into the pink shirt.

"Hm, I'd say a very subtle amount. So they know you're making an effort? Some blush, mascara and highlighter, maybe. With some lip tint. And definetely concealer," the younger boy advised on the other line, making Taehyung nod and smile while searching for his mother's make-up kit.

"Thank you, Yoongi. You're amazing for helping me. And you sound like you have knowledge about cosmetics. Do you have a sister?," he asked, fishing the concealer tube out of the kit.

"I have an older brother, but he's already twenty-eight and he works at some law firm. But, well, I had a lot of piano recitals last year, like, super prestigious ones. Piano competitions, even. My mom did my make-up because she thought I looked too pale and 'dead inside' and the audience wouldn't approve of that. Well, it helped with the audience, I give her that," the younger answered, Taehyung listening attentively while applying the concealer under his eyes with a brush.

"Wow Yoongi, that sounds exciting. If you have a recital or a competition again, you need to invite me!" The younger on the other line chuckled nervously.

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