Chapter 41

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The front door clicked an in walked a raven-haired boy with a serious expression on his face, dragging another boy behind him.

The second boy looked around him with an apprehensive glance, not knowing how to feel.
"I-I don't know if this is such a good idea, Jungkook. I don't even have any clothes. Or a toothbrush."

Jungkook halted in his step and turned around to face him sternly. "No backing out of this. I can borrow you clothes and a toothbrush and you know where to sleep, you've stayed at our place millions of times. By the way, don't be scared or anything. We all love you here and you're safe."
The older boy looked up at him while smiling, his heart fluttering at the kind words.

"Baby, you home already? Oh! Taehyung, what a pleasant surprise!" As if on cue, Mrs. Jeon rushed into the lobby and beamed at Taehyung, wondering why he suddenly visited their home.

"Mom, he's had a hard day. He should rest. Hey, do you mind if I explain it to her?," he asked softly, caressing Taehyung's shoulder soothingly, the latter shook his head shyly, not looking at anyone and staring at the floor.
"Okay, great. Go upstairs and relax, please. We'll check up on you."

After the blonde boy had disappeared, Jungkook turned towards his mother.
"So, umm... he's kind of in a situation..."
Mrs. Jeon frowned.

"I can see that very clearly. Was that a black eye? What in the world happened, Jungkook?," she whisper-shouted, not wanting to disturb the clearly distraught boy upstairs.

The ravenette sighed. "I-- Mom, it's so horrible. Someone sent his dad... a video, of him k-kissing that bastard. You r-remember me telling you, right? Well... h-his dad probably didn't take it very-- lightly?," he stammered, not being able to process these horrifying circumstances himself.

She gasped, her expression immediately changing. "Oh-- Oh my... Taehyung's father... did this?"
Her son inhaled shakily.
"Y-Yes. And it's even worse on... his body. A-And whoever sent him that video... pretended to be me."

"What?! Are you saying someone catfished you? But why? And how could Taehyung have been filmed?," she asked, extremely shocked.
This situation was so extremely messed up that she couldn't comprehend any words for it inside her head.
How could she help him and Taehyung? She didn't know.

"I... I don't know. And honestly, I don't want to know, either. I just want him to be okay, he's clearly suffering."
Seeing the exhausted expression on her son's face, Mrs. Jeon intertwined her fingers with his.

"Taehyung can stay as long as he wants. Don't you think we should call
child protection services?"
The ravenette shrugged. "I don't know... There's so much going on right now, when he's feeling better I will definetely ask him but for now, I think we should... let the situation cool down?"

The elder woman smiled and ruffled her son's hair. "Such a good and smart son I have, I'm proud. Do you plan on confessing to Taehyung soon?"
He widened this eyes and stumbled back in shock.
"What?! Mom, no! I can't. Even under better circumstances, I don't think I could!," he exclaimed.

"But you should! Hiding your feelings is never good and even though it's hard, I say you should tell him when you're ready and when he's recovered. Man up, son." She giggled and hit his shoulder in a playful manner.

"And what if I don't want to man up? You always told me what a great friend he was and now you want me to tell him I have feelings for him? This is confusing," Jungkook whined.

"I know it is, I can only imagine. Oh, high school drama, how exciting. I miss it. But Jungkook, this is the moment! Next year will be your senior year and time goes by fast so I say now is the best time to confess to him. What have you got to lose anyways?," she asked softly, making him scoff.

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