Chapter 16

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The rest of the day passed way too quickly for Taehyung's liking.

They had cake, opened the presents for Jungkook, entertained the toddlers, went on rides with them and had lots of fun.

Taehyung would never forget the smile on Jungkook's face when he opened his present, that smile that could literally cure diseases.
For a moment, the younger looked just the way he did when he was a small child.

Like a young bunny.

A young bunny that made Taehyung's heartbeat go nuts whenever he was around.

Oh, how he wished that Jungkook would like him back.

But there was no way, was there?


In only a wink, the whole day came to its end and the sun started setting, making the sky glow in many beautiful, vibrant colours.

And Taehyung still hadn't told him.

After taking a group picture, Mrs. Jeon ordered everyone to gather around so they could exit the fair ground.

After doing so, the six of them walked towards the exit, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon walking in front with the toddlers and Jungkook and Taehyung in the back.

When, all of a sudden, Taehyung's shoe laces untied themselves, he halted in his step and looked down.

"Oh, my shoe laces. I'll catch up with you, don't wait for me."
Nodding, Jungkook turned around and kept walking.

As Taehyung bent down to grip the laces and tie them together, he suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder and turned around, surprised.

"You!" He spat at the person standing in front of him, taking a step back.
"What do you want?!"

It was the guy from the queue, the one that... groped him.
The unknown boy ran a hand through his chestnut-brown hair and smiled apologetically.
"I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have done that. Sorry."

Taehyung scoffed. "Oh, so you're sorry. Should've thought about that before you did it. You know, theoretically, I could report you to the police for sexual assault, you're lucky I'm nice. Why would you do that to a boy anyway?," His eyes narrowed.

The other boy sighed. "I know it was wrong and I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. I'm a person who realizes their mistakes after doing them, but I'm trying to improve and I'm learning. Besides, you had a cute butt."

Taehyung gasped and flushed red out of embarrassment.
"Don't ever say that again, that's inappropriate. But other than that,... I guess you're forgiven. Just don't do it ever again, to anyone. It's bad and disrespectful and it could cause psychological damage to some people."
The other nodded, smiling slightly.
"Sure. I won't."

Then he held out his hand.
"So we're cool?" Taehyung sighed and shook his hand hesitantly.

"Taehyung! Nice to see you here!"
A redhead approached him, his arm around a slightly shorter, raven-haired girl.
Jimin and his girlfriend.

"Hey Jimin." Jimin giggled.
"So crazy how we always run into each other, huh? Oh, and it seems like you've met my cousin."

Taehyung's jaw dropped.
"Your cousin?!"
Jimin nodded.

"Yeah, by the way, I'm so sorry for what he did. He's a sex-deprived horndog but at least he regrets his actions."
Jimin's cousin slapped his shoulder.

"What the fuck, Jimin?" The redhead rolled his eyes and glared at his cousin.
"What, it's true! I swear, sometimes I hate being your cousin!"

"Umm, guys... I think I'll have to go back to Jungkook. It was nice talking to you," Taehyung interrupted, slowly feeling anxious.

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