Chapter 36

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"My baby... Wake up!"

The blonde boy awoke by someone cooeing at him softly, right beside his ear.

"Mom?," he slurred sleepily.

"Yes, baby. Happy birthday!" Taehyung blinked in surprise as he had completely forgotten that today was his big day.
He was turning seventeen.

As he completely opened his eyes, he could see his mother standing right beside his bed, holding a birthday cake with colourful candles that proudly showed the number "17", coloured in a rainbow-like flow.

It was a fruit cake with various sorts of tasty fruits; strawberries, bananas, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, kiwis, et cetera.

"Ohh... Mom. Thank you," he gasped, sitting up slightly and wrapping his arms around her skillfully so that the cake she was holding wouldn't drop.

"Blow out the candles," she spoke softly, making him nod and bend over to reach the cake and blow out the two flames carefully, making a bit of smoke erupt.
His mother smiled and pressed a short kiss to his forehead.

"Come downstairs soon, Taehyungie. Then you can have a piece of cake and unpack your presents."
She waved a slender hand at him and left his room with a beautiful smile on her face, making her son smile with the same beautiful, rectangular smile.

He then kicked the duvet off his body and yawned by letting out a high-pitched squeal, sighing afterwards.

Was he excited? Was he happy?
He couldn't deny the fact that there still was this unbearable emptiness inside of him, and even though he did feel excited about this special day, there was this weird, painful tug inside of him whenever he thought back to the old times.

Shaking his head and getting dressed, he tried thinking optimistically and stepped down the stairs that lead to the dining room.

Since everyome seemed to make an effort for him to be happy, he felt like he should at least try to grant their efforts with being as happy as possible.

Even his father lowered his newspaper and forced a smile on his face which admittedly looked more like he was grinding his teeth together, and congratulated him.

Grinning, Taehyung sat himself on the dining table and ate a piece of fruit cake after thanking his mother, actually quite enjoying his seventeenth birthday.

"So, what will you do today, Taehyungie?"
The blonde chewed the delicious cake through until he could swallow and then answered: "Jimin asked me if I could hang out with him, he'll be here any minute."
She nodded.

"Of course, baby. Have fun. There will be presents when you return." She winked.
And just as he finished the cake, the doorbell rang.
"Oohh, that's him! I'm gonna go, goodbye, mother! Goodbye, father," he exclaimed, lowering his voice when he said the last two words.

After hearing his parents bid goodbye to him, he rushed towards the front door and opened it, revealing a grinning Jimin and a smirking Mark.

"Hey guys! I--"
"Happy birthday, you cute piece of shit!!," Jimin screeched, pulling Taehyung into a tight hug and definetely catching him off-guard.

"T-Thanks," he breathed when the redhead let go, now turning towards Mark.
"Happy birthday, babe." Smiling kind of awkwardly since Jimin was here aswell, Taehyung hugged the brunette too, whispering a "thanks" while he was at it.

"Soo, where are we going?" The shortest of the three smirked.
"We have something awesome planned!"


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