Chapter 6

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It had been a few weeks since the 'incident' at New Year's Eve and Taehyung still couldn't get the feeling of Jungkook backhugging him out of his head.

That night ended with Jungkook spooning and cuddling him, by the way.
Poor Taehyung could feel his heart threatening to beat out of his chest all night long, he hated the way he felt about it but couldn't help but love the feeling of safety and security in the other's arms.

He wanted to talk to someone, ask for advice, anything to know why he felt this way.
He knew it was wrong to have a crush on the other; simply scandalous and scurrilous. And he was scared.

He wanted it to stop, he wanted to be Jungkook's best friend without his heart fluttering every time he saw him. Without his insides going crazy every time they accidentally touched. Without him staring at Jungkook by any possible chance.

But at the same time, he wished that his crush wasn't one-sided, he wished to hold Jungkook's hand, to hug Jungkook when they met and sometimes...

Sometimes he even wished to be kissed by him. Him. His best friend.

So, in order to get his feelings under control, he started writing a diary.
A diary his mother gave to him when he was seven.

Pouring his heart out to a small book that couldn't respond to him was odd at first but he got used to it quickly and somehow found it comforting.

Perhaps he would move on soon?

Aside from the diary, he didn't know any tactic to sort out his feelings towards his best friend. Because, ironically, a best friend was the person he was supposed to tell everything to. But what was he gonna do, confess his feelings to Jungkook and make him feel disgusted at him for the rest of his life? Hell fucking no.

So there he was, in the middle of chemistry class, wishing that he wasn't such an emotional wreck, or even better, he wished he were straight.

But he wasn't.

"Hey, Taehyung, mind if I take a look at your notes for a sec?," someone asked beside him.
No, not Jungkook, his lab partner Park Jimin, since Jungkook was at some special football training session at the moment.
Oh yes, he forgot to mention: Jungkook was a football player aswell.

His lab partner Jimin was a short, redheaded boy with an outgoing, bubbly personality, very easy to talk to. He was a passionate dancer aswell, though his girlfriend would have probably preferred it if he were a tennis player instead.

While Taehyung was preoccupied daydreaming about his crush, Jimin became impatient and nudged him, making the blonde flinch slightly.

"Uhh... Taehyung?" Taehyung quickly faced Jimin and slid over his notes.
"S-Sorry, I spaced out."
"It's okay, no worries." Jimin gave him a small smile, Taehyung drifting off into dreamland again.

As Taehyung exited the classroom, Jimin rushed behind him, calling him.
"Taehyung, you forgot your notes!"

Slightly embarrassed for being such a clutz, the blonde boy took his notes, bowing his head slightly.
"Thanks, Jimin."

"No problem, Taehyung. Hey, by the way, is everything okay with you? You seem to space out a lot lately, did something happen?," Jimin asked suddenly, a bit concerned.

"Oh no, everything's fine. I guess I've just been a bit tired lately. You know, staying up late and stuff.." Taehyung tried putting on a convincing smile.

"Oh yeah right, don't overwork yourself. And if anything ever happens, you can always talk to me, okay?" As Taehyung nodded, Jimin ruffled his hair hard, the other growing slightly embarrassed by that.

After saying their goodbyes, Taehyung tried picking up random hairstrands to make himself look presentable again. And while he was doing that, someone walked up to him from behind.

"Boo!" Taehyung shrieked in surprise.
"My god, Jungkook! You scared me!"
The ravenhead chuckled. "Sorry."

Suddenly he reached his hand out towards Taehyung's face, making the blonde's heart stop. Luckily it was just to fix some strands that were hanging around loosely.
"There, you missed those." Taehyung was this close to screaming.

As they walked, Jungkook started talking again. "Anyways, I saw you with Jimin. Don't hang out with him too much, yeah? I don't wanna be replaced by him."

Finally Taehyung found the ability to speak again.
"W-What? Don't be silly, Kook. No one could ever replace you!"
Indeed, no one.

"Good, 'cause in that case, I would get angry." Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and got onto Taehyung's eye level, making Taehyung's heart race like crazy.

"You don't wanna see me getting angry, right?"
Once again, Taehyung was at a loss of words.
Jeon Jungkook was now staring intensely at him, right into his own eyes.
He knew it was just for fun but he couldn't help but feel extremely intimidated by it. And shy.

"N-No, of course not." Jungkook laughed again, still staring at him.

Stupid heart, stop beating like you're gonna burst out of my chest any time!

"God, you're so cute when you're scared."
Now, Taehyung felt like dying. Right on the spot.

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck. Taehyung, calm down or you're going to actually die! You're too young to die!

"Oh, and I injured my finger during football practise. I guess you'll have to feed me for lunch."
Are you fucking kidding me?!


(A/N: Sorry for this looong ass chapter, also wtf did I just write?

Oh and I just realized this book has over 200 reads and damn I'm sh00k, I never thought anyone would read this lmao

thank you to everyone reading this weirdly written book, luv ya💜💜)

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