Chapter 46

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"Oh my god, Taehyung. Holy shit, I'm so sorry I left you alone! I was drunk and out of my mind," Jimin exclaimed while tugging his fiery red hair exasperately.

"Hey, calm down and come in properly first." Taehyung was sitting on his bed, a book in his hand and earphones plugged into his ears. Quickly, he sat up and offered the redhead to take a seat next to him.

Immediately, Jimin rushed inside and plopped himself on the blonde's bed, relieved that his friend wasn't mad at him at all. "Okay, so... I'm really sorry. I was actually planning on staying with you the whole time but then I got wasted and then I thought I saw my girlfriend and... Ugh, I don't know."

Taehyung chucked the book away and smiled at him, surprisingly calmly. "I'm not judging you for it, it's okay. Something actually happened to me."
Jimin gasped.

"Shit, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" The younger boy shook his head. "Um... Jungkook was there."
The redhead's eyes turned as big as saucers.
"Oh my god. I didn't expect that. Did he do something to you? Did he humiliate you or something? I'm throwing hands at him--"

"No, no. Nothing like that!," Taehyung exclaimed while laughing a bit.
"It took me a long time to process it. Actually, I still haven't processed it fully." He could feel Jimin's eyes on him, expecting him to tell him what happened.

"Um... he dragged me into a bedroom. Not what you think, just because it was quiet in there!," he threw in, in response to Jimin's suddenly very alarmed gaze.

"Anyways, he told me to tell him how I fell in love with him. I was definetely very caught off guard since I couldn't believe he actually wanted to talk to me and at first, I thought he wanted to humiliate me. But nevertheless, I told him everything." He inhaled and exhaled deeply and slowly.

"Then he asked me why I never told him anything about it and then I told him because he's my straight best friend and all of that. And then... he k-kissed me." Once again, Jimin's eyes widened and his jaw dropped dramatically. This time, they were the widest they had been the entire time.

"What-- What the hell? Are you sure you didn't imagine this? Just... how?!," he blurted out, definetely not knowing how to deal with this specific piece of information.

"I don't know, okay?! Anyways, I was very shocked and I think so was he, honestly. He then told me 'I am so not straight' and then he kissed me again!" The red-haired male's jaw dropped even wider, close to hitting the floor at this point.

"No, this can't be real. You had to be dreaming. Or high. What in the world? How is this possible?!" Taehyung then shook his head and rolled down a bit his turtleneck pullover, so his neck was visible.

Something else was also visible.

A very prominent red-purple blotch, proudly showing on the center of his neck. "He didn't just kiss me, we got... further. We--"

"Oh my god, you had sex?! Did he fuck you? In a high school party?! I'm sorry, but that's not the most romantic place to lose your vir--"
Jimin got interrupted: "No, Jimin! We didn't! We just made out!," he defended himself, his cheeks blushing furiously.

"Ooohhh," the redhead teased, a smirk on his face. "I see. Close enough, though. But like, how the hell did this happen?" The younger boy shrugged, feeling his heart pound wildly once again by recalling the memories.

Jimin's question was a question he wanted to ask aswell. How the hell had it happened? Why did Jungkook do that? And most importantly...

How would this continue?

Would either one of them even attempt to explain the extremely confusing situation or would they just pretend this didn't happen? Would they ignore each other forever out of embarrassment?

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