Chapter 70

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Four months.

By now, they had four months left.

And Taehyung felt his heart crack at the thought of not being able to be there for his boyfriend's eighteenth birthday.

Or not being able to go to prom.

Why couldn't his vicious father at least let him enjoy prom?
It was one of the very things the couple had been looking forward too: Pretty outfits, dancing passionately, drinking the most bizarre combinations of drinks, waiting for the prom king and queen announcement, having fun...

It was so unfair.

However, now was not a time to sulk and dwell on the misfortunes of the future, they should enjoy their time together as much as possible, and that they had sworn to each other, it almost felt like they had made an oath.

And, well, plenty of good things had happened aswell, that also had to be said.

"Baby? I think I may have found my career path."
Taehyung smiled in awe, lifting himself off his boyfriend's chest and turning around to face him.

"Aw, that's amazing, Kook. So, what are you going to do?"
The other smiled, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.

"I took inspiration from you. Teaching does sound fun. You see, the other day at practise, our coach told me to take over for a while because he had some emergency he had to take care of. Anyways, I did and it felt so good bossing around the other kids, I bet being a PE teacher is a hell load of fun," he told, grinning.

"That's really sweet, actually. But you're not gonna boss around your students all the time, right?," the blonde questioned, also grinning.

Jungkook shrugged.
"We'll see about that. If they're not being annoying little shits. But you can't imagine how refreshing it was to chase Jackson across the field and give him penalties continuously. He couldn't even fight it. Priceless, really. Nice to see him suffer." He snickered, Taehyung joining in.

"I can see, you're gonna make the world's fairest and definetely kindest PE teacher ever," the blonde giggled, snuggling himself back into the other's chest.
"Aw, c'mon. I'm totally sweet, kids love me."

"Hmm, I wouldn't be too sure about that. How's Yeji holding up?," the older whispered into his ear teasingly.
"That's completely different, Yeji's opinion does not matter. My students will be very happy with me, I'll be their super cool and super handsome Hyung-Oppa," Jungkook answered smugly, patting his lover's head softly.

"Can't argue with the 'handsome'-thing." The ravenette showed a slight smirk.
"That's right, you can't... Hey, why are you covering that up?" He pushed down the collar of Taehyung's shirt slightly, revealing a prominent blotch of purple painting his right collarbone.

"Because it's embarrassing!," the older snapped, covering it up again with his face as red as a tomato.
"Really? I think it looks fantastic, like an artwork. I wonder who the artist is...," Jungkook mumbled teasingly, the shade of red on Taehyung's face intensifying.

"You-- You are impossible sometimes," the blonde squeaked out, feeling utterly embarrassed once again.
"I'm never letting you give me a hickey again!"

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that."
The younger winked.
"And speaking of art, maybe I'll become an art teacher aswell. When I drew your portrait, I realized how fun art can be. And how nerve-wrecking. But I enjoy it."

"That sounds amazing, actually. And oh my god, I'll never forget that present! You have no idea how happy you made me and how grateful I am. God, I just love you. I'd do anything to repay you, anything!," Taehyung gushed, now smiling extremely brightly all of a sudden.

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