Chapter 21

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Jungkook overthought and overthought.

Until he came to a conclusion.

Sitting in his bed while looking up to the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, he just thought.

The last few days, he started thinking more and more about Taehyung.
Everything seemed to remind him of him.

The ceiling, the bed, the desk, the closet, the colour blue, the colour red, the colour pink,... no matter what it was, everything he saw made him see Taehyung in his head. Ridiculous, huh?

Jungkook personally didn't know how it happened.
How a single thought could turn into something so tremendously serious.

Was he being overdramatic?

But he knew exactly what he was feeling, it was the same feelings he had felt for her, if not, even stronger.

Her, Lee Bora.

A love that he had thought was real, but turned out to be unrequited and a literal lie.

Of course he was over that now, he was immature, too trusting and naive.
But she was his first love and his first heartbreak and he would always remember the pain he had felt, it wasn't easy to deal with.

He didn't want it to happen again.

Luckily he had Taehyung by his side to mend his hurting heart, he had been a huge help for him.

And as if on cue, he started seeing Taehyung's face in his mind again.

Those wide, beautiful puppy eyes. That soft, boopable nose with that cute mole. Those perfectly pink, plump lips with that adorable mole on his bottom lip. Those long, pretty eyelashes...

Jungkook caught himself smiling like a dork and let himself fall back in his bed, sighing loudly.

This couldn't be happening.
He couldn't go around liking someone who would never like him back!

Taehyung would probably immediately reject him and their friendship would be ruined, and so would Jungkook's happiness.

Because he didn't only value Taehyung as a potential love interest, he also valued him as his best friend who supported him and helped him through life, stopped bad influences and made him feel cared for.

And who would he be to throw all that away?
Just for a selfish, little crush?

I can't tell him about this.
If I do, I'll lose him. I'll be heartbroken and this heartbreak will be a lot worse than my first one.

In fact, I don't think I'll ever get over it.
So no, I can't do this to myself.
I'll just try to not raise suspicion, he can't know about this. I'll get over it anyway, I'm a teenager. Not to mention the fact that he's a boy. Maybe this is a phase afterall.

Argh, this is so frustrating!

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair and poked his tongue out in annoyance and as he felt his thoughts drift away to Taehyung yet again, he groaned in frustration.

Was he doomed to like people who didn't like him back?


"Okay, so what did you wanna tell me?" Taehyung sat himself on the brick wall near school as he handed over a black pen to the boy sitting beside him.

The redhead next to him took it, grinning, and slipped it back into his pocket. He then cleared his throat, suddenly looking serious.

"Promise me you won't judge, or tell anyone." Taehyung nodded, slightly confused.

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