Chapter 44

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"Oh, come on!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know if I'm in the mood for this..."

"Yeah, duh. I'm trying to persuade you so you can get into the mood!"

"But I've never been to a high school party before..."

Park Jimin stood in the middle of the room, his hands on his hips and a frustrated expression on his face.
A hesitant blonde boy sat on his bed, his legs crossed and his gaze averted towards the mattress.

Friday, Taehyung had called him and explained everything to him. Everything.

His love for Jungkook, what Mark had done, what happened with him,  Jackson and Chris and the unwanted confession through his stolen diary.
Surprisingly, Jimin had not judged him for any of it, he was just a bit sad that the younger hadn't told him before. And he was sorry he had to go through all of that alone. Very sorry.

And now, he insisted on Taehyung moving on from recent events and cheering up.
Currently, he was trying to get him to go to a high school party. Loud, booming music, alcohol, provocative dancing and all that.
But was Taehyung keen on going? Not really.

He had been feeling extremely depressed for the last couple of days. But of course, he didn't want to anymore.

"I just got exposed, if they see me at this party now--" Jimin interrupted him with a shake of his head.

"So you're gonna spend the rest of your high school time being miserable and running away from everyone? Go with me, have some fun and show them that you're better than this. That you're strong. Because you are."
Taehyung huffed.

"What if I get drunk and someone tries to force themselves on me? Or, what if I get drugged and someone tries to f--" Once again, Jimin interrupted:
"Not gonna happen, I'll be there and I'll keep you safe, if you want. Trust me, I've been to things like these before. Nothing happens, we're high schoolers. Everyone's so focused on themselves, they won't even notice you're there. Now, we have two more hours. What do you say?"

The blonde boy shrugged. "I don't know. I'm kind of worried, but if you stay with me all the time, I guess I could consider going for a change." And with that, the redhead squealed and threw himself in Taehyung's arms.

"Oh my god, yes! Finally!" He jumped up and down out of joy. "Okay, c'mere. I need to doll you up. You always look gorgeous, of course, but I'm gonna make you into a snack tonight. Total eye-candy. You're gonna look sexy as hell." He ran towards his backpack on the blonde's desk and rummaged through it, pulling out a set of clothes.

"I knew you were gonna say yes at some point, so I brought some clothes for you beforehand, aren't I a genius?"
He unfolded a pair of nice, slightly ripped jeans and a light blue shirt with extremely long sleeves that was partly off-shouldered, along with a cute, pearly white belt.

(A/N: i'm sorry, i'm really shit at describing clothes but in case you don't know the picture at the beginning of this chapter, here's what i'm talking about: )

(A/N: i'm sorry, i'm really shit at describing clothes but in case you don't know the picture at the beginning of this chapter, here's what i'm talking about: )

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