Chapter 9

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When Taehyung came home that day, his mother immediately exited the kitchen and looked at him worriedly, cupping his face.

"Sweetie, what happened? Your school called me and told me you're not feeling well, is that true?"
Taehyung nodded.

"Sorry mom, I think I'm gonna lie down. Is that fine with you?"
"Of course, sweetie." She let him go to his room but before he could go, another figure entered the scene.

"Miyoung, I told you to stop babying him, he's supposed to grow up and become a man."
As soon as Taehyung heard those words, the anxiety slowly rushed back in.

This was Taehyung's father.

"And you," He looked at Taehyung with a cold, disapproving look on his face.

"Going home because of a simple stomach ache is something only a wimp would do. Are you a wimp, Taehyung?"

Trying to hide the fear on his face, Taehyung answered: "Sorry father." He mentally patted himself on the back for not stuttering.

His father scoffed. "Still a wimp, I see."

Not wanting to deal with this any longer, Taehyung went inside his room and threw himself on his bed, draping the blanket over his whole body.

To make himself feel more comfortable, he took off his clothes to change into his pyjamas.

While he was searching for his pants, he suddenly heard a loud knock on his window and flinched.
Fuck, it's Jungkook.
He knew for a fact as Jungkook had like to visit him unannounced, outside his window, occasionally since first grade.

Ignoring the fluttering of his heart, Taehyung scoffed. "Which part of 'I don't want to talk about it' doesn't he get?," he mumbled under his breath while he moved towards the window.
But he cares... That's so sweet!
He smiled slightly.

Opening the window to a small gap, he leaned towards it.

"Wait just a second, I don't have any pants on right now." He mentally cringed at how wrong that sounded.

He could hear the other laughing from outside. "Why? What'd you do?"

Taehyung gasped. "Not what you think, just changing! I still feel like shit, okay?"

"I'm sorry. But can I come in now? It's kind of freezing outside!"
"Wait, I still haven't found my pants!"

Jungkook groaned. "What does it matter anyway, we're boys!"
Of course, we are. Which is exactly the problem.

Luckily, Taehyung found his pyjama pants that very moment and rushed back to the window after quickly putting them on.

"W-Whatever. You can come in now."

Despite having a hard crush on Jungkook, he still kind of missed the times of loving him as his best friend.
Where they could hang out, laugh, joke and have fun without Taehyung's heart going crazy over the younger boy.

As Jungkook skillfully made his way inside, Taehyung took a seat on his bed.

He noticed that the other was only wearing a t-shirt despite the cold weather outside, getting worried immediately.

"What are you doing here anyways, didn't I tell you that I don't want to talk? And why are you only wearing a t-shirt, it's so cold! I'm getting you a blanket, wait."

Jungkook smiled. "Don't bother, I can handle it. I just wanted to check up on you and see if you're okay. Sorry for coming unannounced."

"It's fine. I'm fine. I think."

He took a seat next to Taehyung and laid a hand onto his shoulder, Taehyung glancing onto his shoulder with wide eyes and parted lips.

"You don't have to tell me anything, take your time. But just tell me one thing..." He put his other hand on Taehyung's opposite shoulder and looked deeply into Taehyung's eyes, capturing him with his enrapturing gaze.

What the fuck is happening? Jesus Christ help me please, I am this close to fainting right now. Does he... know?!

"...did you tell Jimin?"
Relief washed over Taehyung instantly, Jungkook didn't know or suspect anything. Thank fuck.

Taehyung slapped away Jungkook's hands from his shoulders and hit his biceps playfully, his heart fluttering.

"My god, are you jealous?" A huge smile broke out on the blonde's face.
He's so caring and adorable, it's doing things to my heart.

Jungkook tilted his head and got dangerously close to his ear, whispering: "And what if I am?"
Taehyung panicked. He could feel the other's breath hitting his earshell which sent shivers down his spine. And that was not okay.

Quickly, he pushed Jungkook's head away and let out a nervous laugh.
"W-Well, there's no need to be. I didn't tell him, he was just there to comfort me." He felt a blush creeping up his cheeks but played it off by smiling innocently.

"Huh. At least I made you smile... And Tae?"
And suddenly, Jungkook inched closer, wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and buried his nose in the crook of his neck while hugging him.

Taehyung instinctively embraced the hug by snakinh his arms around the other's neck, getting immense flashbacks from New Year's Eve.
His heart was beating at an immensely rapid pace and he just hoped Jungkook wouldn't notice or care.

Right now, he tried to block out every thought inside of his head and just enjoyed the comforting warmth of his dear best friend.
It was such a beautiful and euphoric feeling, something he'd love to get used to. But he couldn't.

"If anything ever happens, talk to me. I always tell you about my problems, you should be able to do the same." Taehyung smiled.

"I will."

"Also, you know why I was jealous? Because I should have been the one to comfort you, not Jimin. He isn't your number one, I am." The blonde giggled as he saw the ravenette slightly pouting.

Aww fuck. I'm melting. Stop being so sweet, Jungkook!

And with that, they loosened the hug.
"Don't get jealous over something like that, Jungkook. It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything-"
Taehyung widened his eyes.

Oh fuck, I shouldn't have said that. Fuck Taehyung, why are you so stupid?
But Jungkook just laughed.

"How could I be your boyfriend, you're a boy!"

"Hahaha, yes. E-Exactly, that's what I meant." The older one forced himself to laugh with him but internally felt his insides go numb.

Taehyung wanted to cry again.


(A/N: Like always, I don't know if anything in this chapter made sense but I hope you enjoyed! :)

And this book seriously hit 300 reads, I can't believe it😔 to everyone who's reading this, I love you, thank you💜

See you next chapter!)

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