Chapter 66

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The dinner at the Jeons had worked marvellously apart from that one little question that had quite obviously ruined both their moods for the evening. However, they weren't too sure if the dinner at the Kims would work too well.

The couple had decided to have a little date before they would return to the Kim residence for the dinner with Taehyung's parents, which both of them quite feared as Taehyung's father would attend.

It was late autumn, the colourful leaves hanging on the dark trees and showing their vibrant beauty prominently, fiery red and orange leaves occasionally being swept off the branches due to the afternoon breeze and swirling around in the chilly air which left a beautiful atmosphere all over.

Taehyung and Jungkook strolled around the streets and watched the beautiful nature, the season of autumn having reached its ultimate climax before it would gradually transition into icy winter with a terminating sigh, naked branches coated with pearly white snow and the top of the lakes frozen to solid ice, creating a mysterious yet lonely ambience.

"Jungkookie, do you think my father will shout at you?," the blonde asked, the golden afternoon sun reflecting in his slightly fearful eyes and his tan skin glowing in it which gave it a slightly golden tone.

"He'll probably try to provoke us and try to make us feel horrible. But we're gonna keep calm and be the smarter ones, okay?," the ravenette answered softly, looking at his boyfriend, who was wrapped in a thick parka and a fluffy scarf to protect his body from the cold air, in awe and pecking his nose lovingly.

"Yes, of course we will. It's just, he has this way of getting to you and making your blood boil. Trust me, I'd know. He's cruel," the older spoke quietly, his eyes casted slightly downwards.

"Don't worry, I'll try to keep my temper. As long as he doesn't do anything to you," the younger reassured, hugging the other close and pushing his hands under his shirt.
"Your skin is so warm," he mumbled, running his hands all over Taehyung's lower back.

"Yeah, because my mom made me wear, like, five shirts and three jackets on top of each other. And your hands are cold. You should've worn more clothes, Jungkookie." The blonde fussed with his boyfriend's jacket's collar which barely covered up his neck, slightly shuddering.

"Oh no, I'm fine. You know I'm not that sensitive towards the cold, baby," Jungkook assured, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist firmly and nuzzling his head in the older's neck.

"Whatever you say. Oh my god, the sight is so pretty here, autumn has such a romantic vibe to it. A charm. Look at the leaves, they look like flames burning up," the blonde gushed, staring at the trees in awe.

"Looks like my heart burning up every time I get to kiss you," the ravenette remarked with a cheeky smile, the other giggling at that.

"You're so cute." Jungkook lifted his head from the crook of the older's neck and rubbed their noses together.
"And you're beautiful, more beautiful than all of these trees combined."

"Enough. Stop making me blush, you jerk!" Taehyung slapped the other's chest with his hand, the impact not being very strong as he was currently wearing a pair of warm, fluffy mittens.
"I will not," the ravenette answered as he cupped the older boy's flushed cheek and kissed him, having to tilt his head at least ninety degrees as said older boy's thick scarf was being quite the obstacle.

"Ew. Go home, you shouldn't be allowed to do this in public!," a voice suddenly yelled out of nowhere, the couple drifting apart in shock and taking a look at the intruder.

Who was a simple teenage boy by the age of fourteen, maybe fifteen.

"Why don't you come closer and say that to my face?," Jungkook asked lowly without hesitation, balling his fist in a very threatening way. He briefly let go of his lover and steered closer towards the intruder, Taehyung watching the whole scenario with wide eyes.

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