Chapter 58

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When the doorbell rang at five PM sharp, Kim Taehyung let out a happy squeal and rushed downstairs, making sure not to mess up his hair which had been styled by the one and only Park Jimin.

Blonde, wavy and slightly shimmery locks bounced up and down as he jumped towards the front door, checking his appearance for one last time before opening it.

He looked simply stunning, wearing a red silk shirt that shined beautifully in the beams of the afternoon sun and some plain jeans that definetely showed off his long legs. To complete the look, he wore some white, brand-new sneakers, ones that his mother had bought for him only yesterday. And some natural make-up (done by Jimin) that really made him glow.

As soon as the door was opened, the blonde giggled and threw himself into his boyfriend's arms, said boyfriend being very caught off guard and catching him without hesitation by grabbing his waist immediately.

Sighing in content, Taehyung lifted his head and pecked the still surprised boy's lips sweetly.
Jungkook blinked, feeling his cheeks heat up at the pretty sight in front of him.
"H-Hi. You look beautiful."
The blonde smiled widely, feeling his heart go insane inside his chest.

"So do you, handsome." He leaned his head on the younger's shoulder and let his eyes trail downwards.
Jungkook looked just as stunning today, plainly dressed in a white button-up shirt with the first two buttons undone and some black pants, shiny black shoes making him look like he was going to attend a job interview.

His hair was not as messy as usual, the strands covering up his forehead combed back and revealing his forehead in all its glory.
Taehyung was this close to start drooling.

For their first date in public, the two of them had decided to spend their time in a posh and fancy restaurant.
Mrs. Jeon had insisted and even gave them some money to pay their meal. She had been extremely happy that the couple had decided to go on a public date and wanted it to be special, thus, the fancy restaurant.

Both of them tried not to be nervous about this. Going on a date with each other and showing public affection was probably the most normal thing a couple could do.
But Taehyung and Jungkook weren't a regular couple, they most definetely didn't fit the norm.

They knew loads of people would disapprove of their relationship and judge them from afar, they had spent days mentally preparing themselves from the harsh glares they would receive and the hateful whispers that would be thrown around every single corner.

"I'm kind of nervous, actually," Jungkook confessed, taking Taehyung's delicate hand.
"I shouldn't really care but I'm just kind of worried, you know? What if somebody attacks you or says something harmful to you? I can't bare the thought..." He ran his thumb up and down the blonde's hand softly.

"I know exactly what you mean. People are gonna hate us for being... us but it doesn't matter, we love each other. Don't be worried about me, Jungkookie. Your baby grew up, remember?" Taehyung smiled cutely, squeezing his hand.

"I know he did," the ravenette spoke, returning the smile.
"But you're still my baby. Only mine." He took the older boy by his waist, pressing a kiss onto the flustered boy's forehead and lead him out of the Kim residence's driveway.

"Let's go. My dad'll drive us, his car is just right there."
Intertwining their hands, the both of them walked towards the car, their hearts fluttering out of excitement.
They were definetely ready.


The restaurant was quite full, people inside wearing all sorts of expensive suits and dresses with meticulously styled hair and perfectly polished shoes. The sonority of quiet string quartet music and the soft jingling of the guests' luxurious rings and bracelets aswell as soft chatter filling the air.

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