Chapter 73

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The happiness was short-lived.

As soon as the blonde came home, the first thing he had to witness was his parents shouting at each other, at full volume.

They didn't even notice his presence, which made it easy for him to just silently slip away into his room and sit on his bed, feeling suddenly gloomy.

"You are a horrible human being! Are you even human?!," he could hear his mother scream from the kitchen, shivers crawling up his spine as he sensed her desperation.
Not a single time in his life had he heard his mother talk back, let alone scream at his father.

His parents evidently had always had their differences and disagreements (an understatement, really) but Mrs. Kim was always one to let it go after a certain time, not wanting to aggravate her husband since she knew that it'd be pointless. This was the first time she raised her voice at him, and Taehyung was proud of her and scared for her at the same time.

"How dare you call me inhumane?! Everything is planned already, be glad I'm not making you leave too because if you keep acting like this, I will!!," he heard his father shout back, him forcing his eyes shut at that.
He balled his fists, feeling horrible and unsafe.

Forcing himself to listen to following five minutes of their heated argument although he most definetely didn't want to, he just couldn't find the courage or willpower to even move an inch, he started changing his clothes, feeling as if that was the only thing he could currently do to distract himself.

He indeed felt better after changing his top into an oversized pyjama shirt, the warm and fluffy fabric making him feel a lot safer and him letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
Just as he was about to put on his fitting pyjama pants, he heard a crash from the living room and flinched harshly, retracting his hands and dropping the pair of pants.

His father had just thrown an object.

"Now you throw around mugs just because you can't handle your temper?! That's your family heirloom, you monster! You are cleaning this up right here and right now, how dare you use violence inside this house?!," he heard his mother yell shrilly, still glued tightly towards the spot he was standing on, not being able to move a single limb.

"Who are you to call me a monster, woman?! You are the one living under my roof, I will not be disrespected like this in my own house! You are the one cleaning this up!," his father shouted back, and it seemed like the argument just got even more heated.

And right now, at this moment, he heard a loud knock on his window.

That seemed to bring all his senses back. Immediately, he started shaking his head to regain proper conscience and moved his wobbly legs which carried him towards the window, not even caring about the fact that he still forgot to put on his pants out of shock.
Which he then later realized and wore them as fast as he could.

With slightly trembling hands on the handle and his parents' fight still remaining very ongoing, he gave it the strongest pull he could and opened it, peeking outside and letting out a slight gasp.

"Jungkook? Wh-What are you doing here?"
Outside his window stood a smiling raven-haired boy, waving at him. His clothing appeared as a bit unusual as he was still wearing his dress shirt, without the suit jacket, and grey jogger pants. It seemed as if he had only had time to change one half of his clothing but Taehyung was too shaken up to notice that at all.

"This is the second last night with my boyfriend staying in the same continent as me and you expect me not to sleep with him and be there for him? Are you kidding?" At the other's light voice, he immediately felt like a huge weight was being lifted off his chest.

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