New Book

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Sorry for the interruption, but...

I just published my new Taekook book!
It's called 'Enraptured' and it's another cheesy, dramatic high school-based story ☺

I'd appreciate it alot if you could check it out, feel free to follow me aswell :)) 💜 (only if you want, duh)

I'd appreciate it alot if you could check it out, feel free to follow me aswell :)) 💜 (only if you want, duh)

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(Here it is amdmkakckal)

If you read it, I hope you enjoy it! :)

And of course, this book (BFF) will be updated regularly aswell.

Thanks for all the support on this book by the way, I don't deserve this amount of attention 😫💞

I purple you all💜💜

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