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A small playground, filled with plenty happy children, emitted light by the golden rays of the afternoon sun.
On a bench, situated at the outskirts of the playground, sat a beautiful, young woman with an adoring smile on her face, making her front teeth slightly stand out cutely.

She was silently observing her three-year old son, who was currently climbing up a wooden ladder, leading him to a bright red slide. The same sweet smile was displayed on his face, making him look like a baby bunny.

The moment lasted for a good five minutes, until, all of a sudden, the female heard loud sobs and sniffles right behind her. Startled, she turned around to find a small boy her son's age, clutching a stuffed teddy bear tightly while tears were streaming down his face.

The kind-hearted person she was, the woman crouched down to his eye level and looked at him with a consoling look, making sure not to lose her son out of her eyesight at the same time.

"Hey, little guy, what's wrong? Why are you crying?," she asked in a soothing voice, stroking the boy's back in a comforting manner.
"I-I can't f-find my mama, M-Miss. C-Can you help me find h-her, please?," he answered her in a shaky voice, feeling slightly better under her warm touch.

"Uhm, sure, little guy. Try to describe what she looks like, please?
Maybe also tell me her name? I will find her for you and in meanwhile, you can wait for us here, my son can stay with you."
Not exactly knowing how to deal with this situation but trying her best, she looked at him with an reassuring smile, patted his hair softly and listened to his descriptions closely.

Right after, she called for her son, watching the tiny boy waddle towards her with his soft features morphed into confusion. "Everything alright, mommy?" She nodded hurriedly and pointed at the sniffling boy beside her.

"Jungkookie, I need you to stay with him for a moment. It's a long story, I won't be long. Please stay here and don't move, okay? I trust you. Always remember what we promised each other, alright?"
The young boy nodded slowly, not wanting to disappoint his mother.

After she had pecked his small forehead, she began to jog across the street quickly with her head tilted in confusion, trying to find a woman matching the descriptions the crying boy gave her. This was an odd situation for sure.

"Kim Minyoung... brown hair, red hat, white dress, brown sandals... Oh god..."

While the young mother was roaming around the area with her eyebrows furrowed, hoping to find the woman, the small boy named Jungkook, being the polite child he was, tried to calm the still crying boy down. Surprisingly, he didn't feel awkward at all.
"M-Mommy," he wailed over and over, his little shoulders shaking of him crying so hard.

"Hey, don't cry! Your mommy will be here soon!", he said cheerily, patting his shoulder with his small, chubby hand.
The boy's cries stopped abruptly, his puppy-like brown eyes widening slightly. "R-Really?" Jungkook nodded enthusiastically, his soft hair bouncing up and down.

"Yes, just wait a bit! My name is Jungkook, what is yours?"
"That's a cute name, let's be friends Taehyung!"
The shy boy named Taehyung nodded enthusiastically and grinned brightly, overly happy because he had finally found a friend.
His grin had a slightly rectangular shape, making him look even more adorable then before.

Not even a minute later, 'the nice lady with black hair', as Taehyung decided to call her from now on, came back; his mother beside her.
Taehyung let out a yelp of relief and hopped towards his mother happily, hugging her legs tightly.

Jungkook smiled brightly, glad to have the cute boy as a friend.

He wished Taehyung to be his friend forever, maybe even his best friend.

Would his wish come true?


《BFF》|| taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now