Chapter 76

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"Oh no, you don't. Kim Donghyun, you are not taking him anywhere, you little bastard!"

Mr. Kim looked up instantly, a glint of panic flickering momentarily in his dark eyes as he halted in his steps which would've led him to his expensive car soon.
He stood tall, glaring and snarling.

"What do you want from me, Jeon Jieun?!" A beautiful woman just about his age made her way towards him while taking huge steps, her face showing nothing but pure rage. Taehyung couldn't help but get reminded of angry Jungkook snapping at Jackson.

He just gaped at her in shock, his sadness forgotten as he was too preoccupied watching the scene in front of him unfold. Not once had he seen Jungkook's mother look so angry, not even when Jungkook had accidentally knocked over a porcellain plate with her homemade steak in front of all his relatives once.

"You--! You let him go, right now!" She now stood in front of him, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she stared him down with the deadliest glare she could muster.

"I'm his parent, not you! Get out of my way, woman, he has a flight to catch! Mind your own business and stop pestering me!" He pushed his way past her and wanted to keep walking but failed to do so as Mrs. Jeon pushed him back, much harder.

"Kang Haena," she just spoke, much calmer than before but extremely clearly. And as if she had just spoken a magic incantation, Taehyung's father froze and stopped all his movements, his eyes so wide they were almost bulging out of its sockets.

"You... You will not say anything!," he exclaimed, just staring at the ground with his quite frightening stare and his jaw slightly clenching.

"Mom, what is this? You know each other? And who is Kang Haena?," Jungkook asked, positioning himself beside Taehyung and his mother, who had let go of him and also watched the pair with curiosity.
For the first time in his life, Taehyung did not pay any attention to him.

"Wait, Kang Haena? That's my aunt's name! You knew her?," Yoongi spoke all of a sudden, now standing beside them aswell with a quizzical look on his face. Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Kim gaped at him, their jaws almost hitting the floor.

"Y-You're her nephew? Have you ever seen her? Did you ever talk to her?" The boy shook his head, now looking even more confused.
"No, mom just told me about her. Why, what happened to her? What does she have to do with you?"

"Will someone please tell us what's going on?," Jungkook asked quietly, looking at his mother in utter confusion.

Mrs. Jeon sighed, taking a deep breath and still glaring at Taehyung's father.
"Taehyung," she spoke, the blonde flinching a bit as he heard his own name being mentioned.
"Do you remember that story I told you when you came out to me?" He could do nothing but nod hastily.

"I think it's time for me to tell you how that story ended. Because there are a few things I forgot to mention. Let's just say, I didn't even want to remember them." She glared at Mr. Kim one last time before averting her gaze to Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung and his mother standing there with confused looks on their faces. She didn't even see Jimin, Yoonji, Chaeyoung and Lisa standing on the other side of the place, looking just as confused.

"My dearest high school friend... Kang Haena. She was such a beautiful human being. A heart of pure gold, a mind full of creativity and a delicate soul. We all loved her lots, me and my friends, she was like our little sister. Until he ruined her life." She pointed her finger towards Taehyung's dad who stood frozen in the same spot he had before.

All of a sudden, she rummaged inside her handbag, pulling out a stack of papers. And all of a sudden, Mr. Kim gasped. "No... You wouldn't dare--"
"Yes, I would!," she exclaimed, shutting him up at once.

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