Chapter 69

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December went by amazingly.

Christmas had been about the most amazing time Taehyung and Jungkook ever had and yes, they did kiss under a mistletoe. Many, many times.

They baked an abundance of gingerbread houses, a big part of which they had decided to gift to a local orphanage since there was no way a properly functioning human would be able to eat all of that. And, they felt a sense of lightness and happiness by doing the good deed as they watched the little orphans' hopeful smiles.

"Look at how happy they are, Jungkookie," Taehyung had sighed, silently holding the younger's hand and watching the children with wide, fond eyes.
"Maybe this will be us adopting a child someday," Jungkook had responded, to which the blonde's eyes had turned very glassy as many emotions began stirring within him.

The two of them then kissed, right behind the back of the unsuspecting orphan keeper to whom they had proudly told they were two brothers who would like to give away some food as an early Christmas present.
And coincidentally, a little mistletoe was hanging over them just then.

That was two days before Christmas Eve. The day right before, they were busy wrapping their presents. And Jungkook made sure to wrap his dear boyfriend's presents in non-glittery wrapping paper as he knew how much said boyfriend disliked it. Why that was, however, he still did not know.

As this was their first Christmas as a couple, he felt himself to be extremely conflicted on what to give him at first.
'It's okay, he will love you even if your presents are shit,' he had told to himself consolingly which unfortunately didn't help very much.

But then, he just decided to give him three different presents, each of which with a certain significance.

First of all, a phone case.
He came to notice that his lover was in desperate need of a new phone case, escpecially by the way he would pout and whine: "Jungkookie, my phone case is so boring! I hate black!"
Jungkook would always ruffle his hair, kiss the top of his head and calm him down by telling him that he would soon get a new one.

And just like called for, he coincidentally found the perfect one while strolling around the mall:
pastel pink, with lots of fluffy, little clouds and rainbows on it, and strawberries. A lot of them.
He had bought it as soon as he laid eyes on it.

And he could still remember the happy sound Taehyung had made (and the big hug he gave to Jungkook) when receiving this gift on Christmas Eve, switching his phone case almost immediately. The ravenette had felt truly accomplished.

So much for the first present, the second one had been a bit harder to find.
But after doing some thinking, he found a good solution:
He remembered Taehyung complaining about how plain his room looked.

"My room's so big and white, but empty. There's nothing interesting in here. Jiminie has so many cool dancing posters, Chae has the prettiest fairy lights. And Yoongi has pictures of him and his family, and his piano," he'd mutter to no one in particular. But Jungkook, being the caring boyfriend he was, obviously hung on his every single word and kept it inside his head.

And so, he combined two different things and merged them into one present: fairy lights in shape of little butterflies and many, many photos of him and Taehyung doing, well, couple stuff. And the best part was the fact that the LED-fairy lights had the ability to change colours. And Taehyung was extremely delighted to get the present.

"Ohhh, Jungkookie! I love you!," he had gushed, watching the present with big, adoring eyes with all the Christmas tree's candlelights reflecting in them.
Out of all the prettily framed pictures, one had caught his attention the most: a picture of the two of them posing playfully, laughing and Jungkook backhugging Taehyung while teasingly nibbling his earlobe.

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