Chapter 22

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Taehyung pressed the keys on his keyboard to text him back, his heart wringing in anticipation from what was about to come.

So, who's the lucky lady?
Sent 5:29 PM

Someone I'm not supposed to like
Sent 5:30 PM

Taehyung felt himself sigh.
"Sounds an awful lot like me... you're also 'someone I'm not supposed to like', no, love, Jungkook," he quietly murmured to himself, feeling a sting in his heart.

He didn't even realize where he was going, every part of his body felt numb and every single step he took felt like a huge burden to him. His body felt like a massive weight that he had to carry. He just wanted to stop and let himself fall on the hard, empty street and stay there forever.

But he couldn't.

So he answered:

I'm sure it'll be fine.
Mind telling me who it is?
Sent 5:32 PM

Please don't get mad at me
Sent 5:33 PM

Why would I get mad at you?
You can't control your feelings,
whoever it is, it's okay.
Sent 5:34 PM

Poor Jungkook, he seems to be just as hopeless as me.

Feeling his heart clench, Taehyung kept walking while staring at his phone. He didn't want to believe it was true, but he knew that as soon as Jungkook would respond, the harsh reality of him liking someone else would hit him.

And it did.

I like Jimin's girlfriend
I'll try to get rid of it though
But it's not gonna be easy
Sent 5:36 PM

Jimin's girlfriend?

Taehyung felt a big pang in his chest. Of course he knew this was going to happen, but now that it did, it hurt so much more than expected.
He knew Jungkook was definetely someone he shouldn't be in love with for various reasons but now that the realization hit him, it broke him.

He halted in his step, the pain rushing through him as he stood in the middle of the street, multiple cars rushing left and right beside him.
Quickly, he typed a response, sending it to the younger immediately.

Oh... But she's taken...
Why did you think
I wouldn't be cool with it?
Well, anyways... don't fall too deep
I don't want you to get hurt :(
Sent 5:38 PM

"Dont fall too deep or you'll end up like me," Taehyung whispered, suddenly feeling something wet on his cheek.
A tear slipped past his eye.

Damn it Taehyung, why are you crying again? He scoffed. Why did he have to be so weak?

"I-I must be pathetic. Crying over something I knew was going to h-happen." As a second tear made its way across his cheek, he wiped his sleeve across his face, his eyes glistening with more tears yet to come.

And as if that wasn't enough, little, crystalline raindrops started falling from the sky, as if they wanted him to cry some more. Or were they there to accompany him through his misery?

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