Chapter 3

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A few weeks had passed since Jungkook's tragic breakup and Taehyung's questionable feelings, the blonde boy should've forgotten about it by now but he couldn't.
It was just so weird.

He had never thought about anyone that way.
Getting carried away for a minute to think about how a relationship with Jungkook would be like turned into two, three, four, ten minutes and eventually was very hard to ignore.

Because he somehow liked it.

'I wonder what's wrong with me', he thought, laying in his bed, listening to the raindrops pit-pattering onto his window and staring at the boring, plain, white ceiling.

'Being gay is terrible enough, getting thoughts about dating your best friend is even worse. How do I stop this crap?' Taehyung's ongoing thoughts were interrupted by a loud ring coming from his front door. He forced himself out of bed and ran towards the front door.

What a surprise, it was Jungkook. Soaked wet because of the heavy rainfall. Doesn't he have a jacket or an umbrella at home or something?

"Hey Tae," he said hurriedly, running his hand through his hair continuously in attempts to dry it.
Taehyung tried his best not to stare but who was he kidding.
Jungkook, soaked in rain wasn't very unpleasant to look at.

How did he never notice before?

'For frick's sake, damn you Taehyung. Don't you dare stare at him, no matter how good he looks. That's your best friend!,' he screamed internally and finally tore his gaze away.

"Okay, so, I may be interested in someone." Jungkook and Tae were sitting on Tae's fluffy bed, Jungkook drying himself with a towel. "And I really want to ask her out."


Ignoring the slightly unpleasant feeling in his gut, Taehyung gave him a small smile.
Jungkook finally moved on from her, that was a good thing, right?

"So do it. There's no way she'll reject you, you're Jeon Jungkook. Who is it anyways?"

"Park Chaeyoung, the redhead in our History class. She's really pretty and sweet, so I really don't wanna screw this up. I'm sure I'd be happy with her. But here's the thing:
I never asked anyone out, girls always asked me out. And I tried practising in the mirror, and like, every object in my room and I just can't concentrate at all. It feels so fake. I need someone to practise on." Jungkook tore his gaze away from the floor and gave his best friend a sheepish smile.

"And, umm, could I maybe practise on you? I know it'll be a bit weird but I really need your help, you know. I have like, zero confidence and I don't want to embarrass myself. So, will you help me?"

Taehyung didn't know what to say, his insides were going crazy and his heart was hammering against his chest loudly. He could feel the heat rushing to his face. Just why?

This is like, the worst timing ever.

Despite that, he smiled sweetly. "Of course I'll help you, I want you to be happy and I hope it'll work out between you two. Chaeyoung seems like the romantic type to me. So, uh, maybe hold her hand and build some eye contact.
Then, um, tell her you like her and ask if she wants to meet up with you or something like that."

After analyzing his words, the raven haired boy started nodding slowly. "Got it. So, something like this?" Carefully, he grabbed Taehyung's hand and held it in his own one. Then he stared into his eyes, intensely.

To be quite frank, Taehyung was not feeling okay.

First, all of those unusual thoughts about Jungkook and now this?! His stomach was doing all sorts of backflips.
Dear god, what is happening to me? Nevertheless, he nodded.

The younger took a deep breath.
"Uh, so... I-I kind of, really.. think you're pretty. And yeah.. I-I.. like you. Would you maybe let me take you out s-sometime?"

Trying not to show the way his face was heating up by the way Jungkook was looking at him and by his words that were obviously not meant for him, he smiled nervously.

"Uh, yeah, that was pretty good. Try not to stutter, though. She may think it's a bit confusing, you know?" He pried his hand out of the other's grip awkwardly.

"Oh, okay. Let me try again." Feeling literally his whole body going to jelly and definetly not being used to this, Taehyung gulped and nodded quickly.


After bidding Jungkook goodbye a few hours later, Taehyung exhaled sharply.

One thing was for sure, something was very wrong with his feelings for his best friend.

He wasn't supposed to feel nervous around him. He wasn't supposed to blush.
He wasn't supposed to stare at him for absolutely no reason.
He wasn't supposed to feel a churn in his stomach by the thought of him having another girlfriend.

Now, how the fuck do I fix this?


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