Chapter 4

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Two days later, Jungkook visited Taehyung's house again.

"Hey, Jungkook. I forgot to ask yesterday, how'd it go with Chaeyoung?," Taehyung greeted the younger as he entered the room, a slight jerk in his stomach as he saw him. To his surprise, the ravenette didn't look all too happy.

"Don't remind me...," Jungkook whined.

The blonde boy lifted himself up from his bed, propping his chin with his palms and grinning playfully.
"Ooo, did the Jeon Jungkook get rejected for once in his life?"

Jungkook let himself slump into the bed right next to Taehyung, his hand dangerously close to his leg, which made the older panic and sit up completely straight, trying to look as relaxed as possible. He then just looked at him questioningly, motioning him to talk.

"I don't know! I always thought she was looking my way, there's no one sitting close to me except for Lalisa. But she told me she likes someone else... Who do you think he is?" The ravenette crossed his arms, disappointment clearly written on his face.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, trying not to focus on the way the other's jaw slightly clenched every few seconds.
"No idea. But it's not your fault she rejected you, she does like someone else." 

"I know, you're right. It's just really disappointing. And embarrassing! It was my first time asking a girl out and I got rejected. Exactly what I wanted to avoid! But at least she was nice about it..." Taehyung giggled quietly, Jungkook acting all distressed made his heart flutter a little at his cuteness.
Just a little.

"You know, maybe I should take a break from dating and focus on school, I'm failing Chemistry." The blonde slightly widened his eyes.

Taehyung tried to ignore the sudden leap his heart made as he realized Jungkook would be single for, hopefully, long. Which, mind you, did not happen too often. Obviously, the ravenette being in a relationship had never bothered him before (except if their plans had to get cancelled in spite of sudden dates), but now? Things were different.

But they shouldn't be.

So, he just laughed.
"Seriously Jungkook? Atomic and Molecular Structure are like the easiest thing ever!" 

"Easy for you to say, you spend the whole day studying! I don't understand how you can live like this, you're crazy." 

Taehyung laughed. "Hey, don't blame me, it's kind of fun. 
But anyways, I agree with the dating thing. Lay it off for a while? I don't like seeing you hurt."

Shit, why did I say that?! What if he gets suspicious of me liking him or something? 
Taehyung blushed out of embarrassment. 

Luckily, Jungkook didn't suspect anything. 
"Yeah, I guess. But let's talk about you, Tae, when will you get a girlfriend? It's weird to constantly be in a relationship but your best friend to be single all the time."

Taehyung felt a pang in his chest.
He opened his mouth but nothing came out.
How will I ever be able to tell him?
"Uhh, you see, I... Uh-"

"You want to wait for the right one?" Taehyung nodded hesitantly. "Y-yes, totally," he stammered. 

"That's really cute. You're a real gem, whoever gets to have you in the future is damn lucky," Jungkook said, winking. 

Oh my god, shit. Did he just wink at me? Gosh, he's so- ugh, I don't know! Okay. Calm down Taehyung, don't die. Breathe!
Fighting an internal turmoil, Taehyung tried not to blush and smiled shyly. 

"Thanks, Kook." 

Now, Taehyung was sure of one thing. He was slowly falling for the younger, he didn't know why. 

And he didn't know how to make it stop.


(A/N: I just wanted to say I can't believe I got over 80 reads, thanks to everyone who's actually reading this uwu ❤❤❤)

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