Chapter 17

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"J-Jungkook... I'm gay."

Everything was completely silent. So silent that you could hear the wind whooshing from outside the window.
Neither of them said a single word.

After a while, he could feel Jungkook turn his head, facing him.

And the anxiety was eating him up once again.
Was it a bad decision? Was Jungkook not okay with this?

And for the first time in a few weeks, Jackson's and Chris' words echoed through his head.

'Kim? He always looked like a little f*g to me.'
'Fuck man. That'd be disgusting.'
'I know, right? Fucking gross.'

His breath hitched. What if Jungkook was no different from them? What if Mrs. Jeon underestimated her son?
Multiple thoughts of what Jungkook would do to him, now that he told him, ran through his head.

Would he be grossed out by him? Insult him? Maybe even beat him up? Expose him?
Imagining all kinds of horrifying scenarios, his breaths quickened and he started tearing up.

But what he didn't expect was for Jungkook to softly grab his shoulder to make Taehyung face him.
"Why have you never told me?," he sighed.

Taehyung froze.
Wait, does that mean he's okay with it?
Avoiding Jungkook's eyes and fiddling around with his hands on his lap while keeping his eyes trained on the mattress, he tried not to get emotional.

"Umm... I was scared..." His voice was extremely quiet, almost like a whisper.
"Of me?" By now, he could feel Jungkook's eyes bore themselves in his soul, which made him want to avoid them even more.
So he just gave a short nod.

He could hear Jungkook sighing again.
And all of a sudden, he felt a hand on his hand, intertwining their fingers together and gasped.

Seems like he really is okay with it...!

"Taehyung, what made you think I would judge you for who you are? Ever since the day we met, you became my best friend, a person I look up to. Because you have a good heart and the purest intentions, and that's what makes you a lovely person, no matter who you love. You're like... my everything, since day one. I would never turn my back on you, okay?"
Listening to Jungkook's words made a tear slip out of Taehyung's eye, unknowingly.

I'm a lovely person? I'm... a lovely person.

"T-That day where I cried in the bathroom, something happened and it j-just... shattered my c-confidence? And so I didn't want to tell you, s-sorry."
No matter how hard he tried to hold the tears back, they kept escaping from his eyes, one by one.

Taehyung was a person to whom other people's opinions did matter.
It wasn't like he needed constant validation from others but he was truly afraid of getting judged and humiliated, which added to his shy personality.
That bathroom incident damaged his mental state worse than he would like to admit.

"Don't apologize. But can you tell me what happened exactly?," Jungkook asked after a while.

He cares... He really cares.

"Umm... It's not that big of a deal, a-actually. When I was in the restroom, I accidentally overheard J-Jackson and Chris talking and they were saying stuff about m-me. It was l-like they knew. The stuff they said was... so c-cruel and I really started to think I was w-wrong for being myself and got scared of anyone f-finding out. And then it just hit me and I started crying."
His voice was still quiet, accompanied by small sniffles, but clear enough for Jungkook to hear properly.

Suddenly, he felt Jungkook's other hand cup his cheek and wipe the occasionally streaming tears away with its thumb, making him look up with big, glassy eyes.

"Don't cry. There's nothing wrong with you, okay? I had no idea, I'm sorry for always assuming."
Taehyung smiled, a warm feeling settling in his chest.

"I support you."
And with that, Taehyung threw his arms around Jungkook's neck and buried his face in the other's chest, feeling overwhelmingly happy and relieved. That led him to cry even more, this time out of happiness and relief.

It didn't take long for Jungkook for embrace the hug by securing his arms around Taehyung's waist tightly and slightly lifting him up so that he was sitting on his lap. Then, he kept rubbing circles into Taehyung's back to soothe him. By crying into his chest, he created a lot of wet patches on Jungkook's pyjama shirt but he didn't seem to mind.

And again, Taehyung felt instant security and comfort in Jungkook's arms. He never would've expected Jungkook to have such a heartwarming reaction, but now that he did, he could feel himself falling deeper.

The way he listened to him. The way he supported him. The way he held his hand. The way he wiped his tears away. The way he hugged him.

Taehyung's mind subconsciously knew that he did all this to comfort a friend, but his heart, being helplessly in love, couldn't help but pick up a few beats and his stomach was once again swarmed by several butterflies.

He felt like right now, he even reached a point where his crush on Jungkook couldn't even be described as a crush anymore.
For many months, his heart had been going bonkers for the other, and now, it was basically yearning for him.

After he completely calmed down, he loosener the hug and got off Jungkook's lap, smiling sheepishly while trying to control all the emotions he was feeling.

"So... is there someone you like right now?"

Taehyung felt his heart slightly clench. The answer was obvious, but the fact that he would never be able to tell him just saddened him a lot.

You. It's you, dummy.

But he just shook his head. "N-No..."

"Oh, come on. I know that face. There is someone, huh?"
Taehyung tried to play it cool, but how was he supposed to get out of this extremely frustrating situation?

"Umm... I'm not sure yet. I've never had a crush before, soo... yeah.
But I'll tell you as soon as I know, okay?"
He nervously looked over to the other who just smiled and ruffled Taehyung's hair, which made him blush uncontrallably. Luckily, the lighting was not very good.

"And... Tae? Did you tell Jimin?"
Taehyung laughed, feeling that warm feeling inside his chest again.

Oh my god, is he jealous?

"No, I haven't. You're the second person I've told."

"And who was the first person?"
Taehyung laughed again.

"Your mom."
He could hear Jungkook gasp.

"Wait, what?! Why?!"
Taehyung let himself fall back into the bed, a wave of sleepiness suddenly overcoming him.

"I don't know. We talked and... she kind of figured it out. I never planned on telling anyone, actually. But your mom, she gave me hope. And she made me believe that there are good people who actually accept me. People like you."
He could feel Jungkook lay back, directly next to him.

"I'm glad you told me, Taehyung. Thank god mom figured it out, huh? But next time, whatever it is, don't hesitate to tell me, okay?
I accept you just the way you are, I'm not like these sons of bitches."

Taehyung started smiling, but his heart was hurting because his crush was something Jungkook could never know about.

Never in a hundred years.

And now he was slowly realizing-- his crush wasn't just a simple crush anymore. It was something beyond that.

But what was it?


(A/N: I have post concert depression from bang bang con :( I literally watched everything through and it was so beautiful, BTS really know how to make a performance interesting

So yeah, now Jungkook knows. :)

Stay tuned uwu 💜)

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