Chapter 2

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Jungkook hated it.

The feeling of another failed relationship, the feeling of being used, the feeling of not being enough.

He hated it.

He had been in plenty relationships by now, but none of them actually seemed to involve real feelings. 
Many girls had confessed their feelings to Jungkook, nervous smiles and blush decorating their faces, and because he didn't want to turn them down and upset them, he tried courting them.
Who knew, maybe the right one was one among them.

But it never seemed to work out. Jungkook's relationships only lasted for 3 weeks, maximum.

That was until now.

Jungkook had actually loved her with all he had, and he had thought they were perfect for each other and it would stay that way, forever. There had been something special about that girl, maybe it was the way she would softly call his name while squeezing his hand and smile or her unpredictableness and her ability of modest and boldly confident at the same time that kept him under her spell.

But that was until he realized that he had been played. She had only dated him for his appearance and reputation, and the attention she would gain with it. Worse than that, he got cheated on. 

So there he was now, sitting on his bed, the sheets littered with tissues and crying his eyes out while his best friend tried comforting him by patting his shoulder and passing him new ones. 

He wasn't the type to cry easily, in fact, it was extremely rare. But realizing the only girl he ever properly loved and could imagine a whole life with used him and cheated on him didn't go easy on his vulnerable teenage heart.

"God, Jungkook. I haven't seen you cry this hard since you fell from the climbing wall 10 years ago and broke your arm. If I ever see that girl again, I'm gonna smack her!" 

Jungkook laughed softly. "Thanks Tae. I'm feeling a lot better with you here, really." 
He smiled, exposing his bunny-like teeth, and looked up to see his best friend, Taehyung, return his smile with a cute rectangular one.

He had always admired the amount of patience Taehyung had, whenever he even had the slightest concern, Taehyung would not hesitate to make him feel better. His best friend really was an angel.

As for Taehyung, seeing his best friend hurting like this hurt him too. He couldn't understand how anyone could treat Jungkook like that. Like a used rag doll. When actually, he was so much more than that. He threw him a reassuring smile and continued stroking his back in soft motions while he kept thinking about her, and her nerve to cheat on him. Stupid girl.

He felt anger rise up inside of him as he let the bigger boy, who was finally starting to calm down, go. "You know Jungkook, someday, someone real will be there for you, someone who appreciates you as a person and loves you thoroughly for you and only you wouldn't even dream of leaving you, no matter under which circumstance. Because you deserve someone like that." 

Someone like me, for example...

He almost gasped out loud, enraged at himself for coming up with such a thought. While it really did seem like he was the only person in the whole wide world that knew how to properly appreciate Jeon Jungkook, alone the thought of him being that person for him was outrageous and, not to mention, inappropriate.

You shouldn't get thoughts like this, just because you're gay and he's a boy!
You're his best friend, not his lover!

While Taehyung was scolding himself on the inside for suddenly having random, ridiculous thoughts about being in an relationship with his best friend and losing touch of reality for a second, hoping Jungkook wouldn't notice him blushing out of embarrassment, said boy was happy about receiving such optimistic words and felt a lot better.

And the whole remaining evening long, Taehyung was having an internal crisis. Why did I randomly think about being in a relationship with Jungkook? I never did before, this is weird...

Then again, dating him would probably be so nice, he is so sweet and gentle, and handsome, just perfect...

There you go again. What the fuck, Kim Taehyung?! This is so wrong, get those thoughts out of your head immediately! 

It's just the teenage hormones, anyways. Forget everything.

Little did he know, it wasn't that easy to just 'forget everything'. Little did he know, getting some unusual thoughts for a millisecond would mess with his head more than he would've ever expected.

Why? No one knew.


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