Chapter 42

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(A/N: trigger warning for this chapter too- a bit of violence💕)

This was not supposed to happen.

None of this was supposed to happen.

What did Taehyung do to deserve this?

How did his life suddenly take such a sharp turn?

He didn't understand.

But for now, let's start from the beginning. Where everything was fine.

He stayed at Jungkook's place for about a week and half. Thanks to the healing cream, Taehyung's bruises started fading pretty consistently.
Which was pretty good.

Since Jungkook strictly insisted on treating all the bruises himself, he checked up on them daily and applied some cream afterwards.
The blonde noticed how much happier he had become, now that the bruises had almost completely vanished.

Right now, it was Wednesday.
After their last period, they were about to pack up their stuff and walk home when all of a sudden, an adult man approached Jungkook and talked to him.

"Taehyung, it's my coach," he whispered into the older's direction.
"There's been some complications with the training schedule. It'll only take, like, ten minutes. If you want, you can wait for me in front of the school gates."

Taehyung nodded. Whispering back a small "Okay", he swung his backpack over his shoulder and left the classroom as quietly as possible.
The last thing he heard was a frustrated "Jackson and Chris, those punks! Why are they not showing up, this is important!" from Jungkook's coach.

Not paying attention to anything, he just strolled around the pretty empty school building.
Since he was quite bored, he started thinking about random things.

School, homework, Jungkook, his mom, his mom, Jimin, Mark, the video, his father,...

And while he just walked around with his head in the clouds, he felt his wrist get grabbed harshly all of a sudden.

Immediately waking up from his daydream, Taehyung gasped and widened his eyes, being caught extremely off guard.

As he turned around, he saw...


The latter smirked evilly, another person emerging from behind.

"Kim Taehyung. Just the one I wanted to encounter."
With Taehyung's wrist still tightly in his grip, he dragged him behind a wall, the same wall where he had kissed Mark for the first time.

"Wh-What do you want from me?" He tried to shake his wrist out of the taller boy's grip but failed to do so since the other didn't budge.
Adding to that, Chris now joined them and stood opposite to Jackson, so that Taehyung was now trapped in between the two boys.

"Nu-uh. I will be the one asking the questions here." With his free hand, Jackson now grabbed the blonde's other wrist, just as tightly as the first one. Now Taehyung was slowly getting scared.

"Did you seriously think no one would notice that you're a fucking f*g?"
For a moment, the blonde's heart stopped. He was speechless.
No. They can't know.

He gave a humourless laugh, praying that his voice wouldn't come out as shaky.
"Hah. That's bullshit, I have no idea how you could think that."
To his surprise, Jackson's smirk widened. "Oh really, is that so?"
He gave a nod towards Chris standing behind him.

As Taehyung looked behind him, he saw the aforementioned pulling out something out of his bag with a dirty smirk, and that was where his heart really stopped.

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