Chapter 35

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The door unlocked and a teenage boy stormed in loudly, his raven locks bouncing around freely.

"Son, you're home! How was schoo-- Jungkook what happened to you?!"
A loud sob racked through the hallways.

"M-Mom," he cried, his mom immediately standing by his side and hugging him tightly.
"Baby, what happened to you? Why are you crying?"

"M-Mom...," he cried again, Mrs. Jeon doing nothing but stroking his back in order to encourage him to keep going.
"...I love Taehyung."

"I love him too sweetie, what about--"
He cut her off loudly.
"No, you don't understand! I love him! I'm in love with him!," he continued, his tears still flowing.

Mrs. Jeon's jaw dropped.
Still proceeding to stroke his back, she gestured him towards the sofa even though she was shocked to death.
"W-Wait wha-- how-- okay, I'm officially speechless. How about we sit down and you tell me everything?"

Trying to calm down, he nodded and let himself fall onto the sofa.
"I-I don't know where to start. I think it started when he came out t-to me, I started thinking about it and I imagined being in a relationship with a b-boy and somehow, it worked. I-I think I'm bisexual and that was how I realized."
His mother gasped.

"Honestly, I didn't expect this. But Jungkook, this is great news! You should've told me sooner, I can't believe you had to keep it a secret for so long. I would've supported you instantly." She ruffled her son's hair, the latter slowly calming down.

"But that's not the p-point, mom. I somehow started seeing Taehyung from a different perspective since I knew about him and s-somehow, I fell in love with h-him." She smiled.

"But why are you so upset about that? Love is natural, Taehyung's a great boy and you liking him isn't as bizarre as you think. Tell him as soon as his parents change their minds about your friendship!"
And the ravenette started crying again.

"N-No, mom. I fucked up, I'm so stupid. So f-fucking stupid. He h-hates me forever now." She frowned, burying his head in her chest as he continued drowning in his misery.

"I don't understand. What could you have possibly done that made him hate you?" Jungkook sniffled.

"T-There's this girl I've been friends with for a while. There were many girls, a-actually. I wasn't comfortable with liking Taehyung b-because of our seperation and because I was just his best friend. I wasn't comfortable with liking boys, either. A-And then, I started playing with girls' feelings and kissed them and stuff, because I w-wanted to forget. Taehyung saw me with that one girl, I was being an asshole to h-her afterwards so he got mad."
She sighed.

"Oh Jungkookie, my poor baby. That wasn't a gentleman move but he will probably forgive you as soon as he realizes that you regret it wholeheartedly. Maybe apologize to the girl first, or was it the girls?"
He sniffled again.

"Y-Yeah, of course. I was planning to do all of that b-but there's more."
Nodding again, Mrs. Jeon encouraged him to go further.

"W-When he confronted me, I panicked and said that he wouldn't understand because h-he was gay. And then, he got really mad. Umm... so..." He tried to find the right words.

"K-Kind of a complicated story actually. He's friends with a g-guy named Jimin and that guy has... a cousin. And that cousin seems to like him, a l-lot. He and Taehyung are kind of friends but Taehyung's too dense to see that that guy obviously has the hots for him!," Jungkook then declared, his tears not falling anymore.

"Woah there, mister. I see this is not an everyday subtle crush, your jealousy shows it. You never say anything like that to him ever again. It can be hurtful and you know it's not true. But okay, carry on," she tried to lift his mood, making her son exhale shakily to tell her more.

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