Chapter 80

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The following three days were a confusing blur.

Taehyung tried to enjoy the final days of the remaining semester, spending some quality time with Seokjin and his best friends, Jinyoung and Soojin. Since everyone was a year older than him, he felt a bit out of place at first as he was the youngest but came to enjoy spending time with the three of them who liked to baby him a lot. But at some point he did come to enjoy it as it felt good to be taken care of by elders.

He constantly pushed away the anxiety always settling inside his tummy when he thought of going home, focusing on the nice things for now, as much as he could.
He also tried to ignore the fact that Jungkook still hadn't responded to his text messages and came to the conclusion inside his mind that the younger did not wish to speak to him and that he would have to make the first move to reconciliate.

However, as he found himself searching for an unoccupied seat on the train for the ride home, he started feeling horrible again, like he wanted to crumble.

His face was hidden by the dark, oversized hoodie draped over his frame and casting a dark shadow over his features. When he finally found a completely empty compartment, sat down and opened his bag to pull out his headphones and listen to some sad music, he saw a little container packed with some food, a pink sticky note glued onto it.

Smiling a little, he picked it up and read:

'Hey Tae, I packed you a little something for the long train ride. It's my homemade Gimbap that you liked so much, I hope you enjoy it!
I know you must be sulking right now. But everything will be alright, stop worrying about nothing and don't be sad.
See you next semester~

-Your dearest and very handsome roommate Kim Seokjin :))

PS: Jinyoung and Soojin are missing you already. Call us when you have enough time, kay?'

Despite all the dread he was currently feeling, this seemed to cheer him up a little. Actually deciding to take Seokjin's advice for loyalty's sake, he watched the train slowly depart and the train station's grey, dirty and crowded platforms turn into trees, fields and lakes, the beautiful scenery molding into one big stripe of
green and blue as the train reached its full speed.

Plugging in his earphones, he opened Seokjin's little brunch and pushed a piece of food into his mouth every now and then, sighing in content as the delicious taste spread throughout his whole mouth.

The train ride was extremely quiet and peaceful. Taehyung did not feel sick and he did not get a headache either, both of which he had experienced the first time he had taken this train as he really didn't feel like leaving and had texted Jungkook until his battery was empty- which had made his head feel sick and dizzy eventually.

Oh, Jungkook...

And now, the empty, painful feeling was back. The one eating his heart out and making him feel tearful and hollow, making his eyes glossy. He dreaded the arrival at the train station more than anything else, not seeing the ravenette standing at the platform waiting for him breaking his heart more than anything else.

Why did this have to happen now?

About half an hour later, the train gradually slowed down and its pipes started hissing loudly, the guests blocking their ears as they lined up to exit. Taehyung simply sighed, taking his earbuds out of his ear and stuffing them into his jacket's pocket carelessly. He did not see any reason to keep them plugged in as his playlist had just finished playing its last song, anyways.

He made his way through the abundance of people chatting and blocking his way, heaving his way too heavy suitcase along with him and groaning internally. And about five minutes later, his two feet were planted on the floor of the grey platform of his hometown, him feeling stranger than ever despite having lived here and been here for all his life. He had never been so far away for so long before.

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