Chapter 55

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Nowadays, training was a very unfamiliar experience for Jungkook.

The other boys on the team kept watching him with frowns on their faces on the field, in the changing rooms, they tried to change their clothes as far away from him as possible and in the showers, they basically avoided him like the plague.
Jungkook found it pathetic.

It wasn't like any of them were his type, anyways.
And it seemed like everyone had forgotten he actually had a boyfriend and no interest in any human other than him whatsoever.

It actually made him quite anxious, sometimes his ears seemed to catch the words "Kim Taehyung" out of all the hushed whispers and the bare thought of someone insulting his love made his blood boil. But of course he couldn't risk doing anything, so he repressed the urge of charging at every single person that dared to look at him in a disapproving way. Which would be a lot, by the way.

The only person sticking with him was Jung Hoseok. He had definetely needed some time to get used and come to terms with him, but nevertheless, he was a pretty good friend and supportive about his relationship and orientation.

He also never failed to shut mean people on Taehyung's and Jungkook's social media down, though mostly from an anonymous account.
The ravenette was really grateful for him, everyone looking at him with dirty glares definetely messed with him mentally. At first, he was scared of getting kicked out of the team but luckily, that did not happen. Yet.

Currently, he was stepping out of the shower cubicles, a towel wrapped firmly around his waist and his whole upper body glistening with leftover water, small droplets running down his chest every once in a while.

He took a deep breath out of satisfaction, barely anyone was there anymore. Which had definetely been his intention since he definetely wasn't in the mood to deal with everyone treating him like some sort of walking infection that was going to attack them any minute.
They were usually so keen on being tough, fearless and strong men but then, they were afraid of facing him in the shower? Nothing but laughable and most definetely not manly, in Jungkook's opinion.

He quickly removed the towel and slid on some underwear and joggers, running back into the changing room since he had forgotten his brush. And his shirt. And his damn hair dryer.

Arriving back in the changing room, he was surprised to see Chris in there aswell, his hair damp and his phone in his hand, though he was not looking at it, he was looking at Jungkook.
Said boy got his needed things and sent the other boy a sharp glare of disgust.

If looks could kill, Chris would be... He didn't even know.

As the raven-haired boy was about to hit the shower room again, he heard a voice calling him back:
"Wait please, Jungkook." Surprised, he halted in his step.

"What?," he snapped, definetely not in the mood for talking.
Chris stood up from the bench he was sitting on, approaching Jungkook with a nervous look on his face.

He opened his mouth, about to say something. The ravenette crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking effortlessly intimidating, Chris visibly gulping at that.
"Are you going to talk? I'm not waiting all fucking day."

"I-I'm sorry, okay?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue, looking at him in a testing manner.
"Sorry for what, huh?"

Chris lowered his head, his damp, brown hair being the only thing in sight now.
"For everything Jackson did."
The ravenette scoffed, kicking his foot and making him flinch.

"You're not innocent. You helped him, stood by his side and planned everything along with him. You're his friend, which makes you just as guilty as him. I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, by the way. Apologize to my boyfriend instead," he hissed.
Chris looked really hurt. Desperate, even.

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