Chapter 49

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Two weeks later, Taehyung was glad to say that Jackson and Chris had told absolutely no one about his diary and his pretty little secrets, not a single person suspected anything.

For now.

Right now, he was on a date.
With Jungkook.

Not a regular one, the two of them were actually sitting by the now empty bleachers and eating strawberries while the afternoon sun was shining majestically, making all the clouds cower away and move behind to give it all the spotlight it needed.

Currently, they were immersed into a very deep kiss, the strawberries long forgotten for a moment.
"Mm... Kook-- We're supposed to be... eating strawberries," Taehyung panted out in between, breaking the kiss and removing his hands from Jungkook's hair.

"I don't caaaare, I want to kiss you," the ravenette whined, sulking. To that, Taehyung 'aww'ed and booped his nose, his heart jolting at the other's cuteness.

"You just did for the past ten minutes, we need to finish these strawberries before the sun sets or your mom will be upset. We can kiss later." The blonde winked and grabbed a delicious strawberry from the bucket, wiggling it around in front of the younger's eyes.

"Feed me." Jungkook closed his eyes, opened his mouth and leaned back, making Taehyung giggle and push the fruit between his teeth as he grabbed his jaw and cooed at him. "You're such a big baby, Koo," he teased with a smirk.

As he reached into the bowl again to now pick a strawberry for himself, he suddenly felt Jungkook grab his waist and lift him up, setting him onto his lap and not letting go of his waist, smiling cheekily at his flustered reaction. "Who's the baby now, huh? Continue, please."

Taehyung reached out for the bowl to set it on his own lap. "I'm not giving you any more, get them yourself!," he whined, turning away and biting the strawberry that was still placed in his hand.

And suddenly, Jungkook started tickling him, making him tense up and wiggle around in his lap. He closed his eyes shut while giggling non-stop.

Trying to get the younger's hands off him, he thrashed around wildly with his hands flying everywhere, when he accidentally hit the bowl and it threatened to fall out of his lap, he gasped.

"Jungkookie," Taehyung whimpered, clearly out of breath. "The strawberries," he whispered, grinning widely and making the ravenette groan out of annoyance.

The blonde repositioned himself and laid down, his head on Jungkook's lap and huge puppy eyes gracing his appearance. "I'm tired. Now you feed me." Feeling his heart flutter at the adorable boy in his lap, the aforementioned clutched his chest dramatically and picked a strawberry, pushing it into the older's mouth. "How could I ever say no to your adorable puppy eyes, baby?," he spoke quietly, leaning closer to Taehyung's face.

"You're so beautiful," he muttered, running his thumb over the older male's features. His eyelids, his nose, his cheekbones, his jawline, his chin.
And finally, his lips.

"I'm eating, Jungkook! Stop making me blush or I'll choke!," Taehyung whined protestingly, Jungkook giggling at that. Picking the last strawberry out of the bowl, he waved it in front of the blonde's face teasingly.
"One last strawberry and I have you all to myself," he murmured into the older's ear, softly nibbling at his earlobe.

Feeling his shoulders twitch at the movement, Taehyung snapped his head up and caught the strawberry with his teeth, shuffling around in Jungkook's lap so he could reach a sitting position again.

The ravenette sucked in a sharp breath and put his hands on Taehyung's hips to stop the squirming. "St-Stop that." 

Taehyung looked back, an innocently questioning look on his face.
"What?" Jungkook just smiled awkwardly, his hands still on the blonde's hips, and sat the boy next to him instead of on his lap.

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