Chapter 78

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Dear Diary...

Life goes on.

Literally. It goes on so fast! If I had to visualize it, I would see myself in a corn maze under a clear, blue sky, running wayyy too fast and sometimes losing orientation and feeling exhaustion but nevertheless, running. Part of me doesn't even register how fast time passes. Let's see when I finally stop running and walk instead. Or at least jog. You get my point.

It's been months since my graduation. I'm sorry for not telling you much meanwhile, but I was pretty busy. Mrs. Jeon sent my applications to lots of different universities in Korea and guess what? I was accepted, at Seoul! Despite it being sent in really late, I guess they were able to keep a slot for me. Good grades do pay off, after all... I'm proud of myself! ^~^

But there has been one downside... Jungkook has been accepted too, just not my college. In Busan, which is basically on the other side of the country. But honestly? It's fine, much better than I could've imagined. We call and videochat at least three times a week, write each other text messages and sometimes, he writes me cute little love notes and sends them over to Seoul, it's the cutest damn thing ever! Tomorrow, I'm sending one back. God, I miss him so much. I could cry.

You must've realized how I'm currently using present tense. Yes, dear diary. It's been a long while and I'm in college already, surprise, surprise! I'm just filling you in on the most important things that happened meanwhile.

So, Jungkook and I actually went to prom. It was pretty cool, I guess. But the prom party I had with him, Jimin, Yoongi, Chae and the others was way more fun, not gonna lie. Since we were the only boy-boy-couple there, things got a bit uncomfortable again. And the snacks were nothing in comparison to Mrs. Jeon's delicious strawberry tarts, strawberry-filled pastries or strawberry cake. Have I mentioned that I love strawberries? I also love Mrs. Jeon, my dearest future mother-in-law...

But surprisingly, we weren't the only same sex-couple at prom. You know, I told Chae to get her shit together and just freaking confess to Lisa before they leave for college and everything gets complicated. And, uh... Turns out Lisa knew all along.

Must've been scary, Chaeyoung told me she just went "You're seriously bad at hiding your feelings, did you think I'd never notice?" and then she asked her to prom! It's actually kind of cute, though I have no idea what they actually are right now. But seems like Lisa isn't as dense as my boyfriend was all those years I was in love with him.

Speaking of him, my Jungkookie is all grown-up now! (Warning: Very detailed explanation ahead.) So, we went to the beach for his birthday party, it was so amazing. The weather was perfect, his baby cousins were there again, the sand was soft and the waves were splashy. We had so much fun there!

One thing I learned that day? I suck at beach volleyball. I bet even Yeji and Beomgyu have more skill than me. Anyways, playing in the water with Jungkook as if we were little kids was the best thing ever. We just splashed water at each other and kept running around and the force of the waves was so strong, sometimes we stumbled and fell. Something else I leaned? Getting salt water up your nose is disgusting.

After I had a dramatic coughing fit, Jungkook rushed over to me and picked me up bridal style and I thought he'd bring me back to the beach in a super romantic way. But guess what? That meanie threw me into the water again! And he laughed :(
I gave him the silent treatment for about five minutes after that, serves him right.

When we arrived back at the beach, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon had his birthday cake prepared and we celebrated like usually. Guess what I got him as my birthday gift? I didn't know what exactly he wanted because he just didn't want to tell me which frustrated the hell out of me. He kept saying it'd be 'too much to handle for me' and too embarrassing for him.

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