Chapter 79

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Taehyung's and Jungkook's first fight happened three days before their long-awaited reunion. A truly inconvenient time.

The two boys were amidst a sweet, quite impeachable video call, talking about how their day went and other extremely trivial things. How sunny it was, how many hours they had slept, what flavour their breakfast smoothie had, the usual. They kept blowing kisses at their screens and showed cute finger hearts and did silly yet adorable and playful gestures while giggling uncontrollably. Everything was just like always.
Until that happened.

"That's nice to hear, baby. Are your college professors still giving you a hard t-- What are you doing in my room? Not now, please. I'm calling someone right now."
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at his boyfriend's words, his voice changed into a displeased, rushed, and somehow even panicked-sounding one all of a sudden.

Was he talking to his dormmate? But Jungkook and his dormmate Eunwoo were on amazing terms, there's no way he would talk to him in that manner... Did they have a fight? Was there something he didn't know about, perhaps? Should he be concerned?

"Uh, Jungkook? Are you still there? Is someone with you?," he asked, feeling slightly suspicious. The ravenette seemed to move his laptop around and to attempt covering up his camera with a textbook, letting out a nervous laugh. "N-No, everything's fine. Eunwoo just got lost, I guess."
Then, all of a sudden, another voice started talking.

"Why do you keep avoiding me, Jungkook? It's been years since we last talked, don't you want to catch up?" It was quiet and the audio quality was debatable, however, it was evidently a girl's voice. The blonde's jaw dropped.

That voice sounded oddly familiar.

"Who's that, Jungkook?," he asked quietly, but firmly. The other let out an exasperated sigh, covering up his webcam with his hand and turning around sharply.
"Will you stop this already? I told you, there's nothing to talk about! Just because you're close to Eunwoo doesn't mean you have to be close to me! Us? That was a long time ago, Bor-- Fuck." Taehyung gasped, not believing his ears.

"Wh-What? Bora?! Lee Bora? She's there... What?!" He could hear a displeased groan from the other boy and was currently staring at a black screen. The younger boy had thrown his jacket over his computer, its camera completely covered up. Quick footsteps leading away from the device could be sensed.

An annoyed and muffled "Listen, not today. I told you I found someone and I have zero interest in you. Zero. Goodbye," could be heard, followed by the harsh slam of a door and shuffling of feet coming closer again until Taehyung saw the familiar outlines of his boyfriend's dorm room and the younger boy wearing a plain white t-shirt, clearly upset.

Silence filled the air for a while.

"Mind explaining to me?," the blonde then asked almost inaudibly. He felt upset, enraged and insecure at the same time, all of these negative emotions driving a painful hole through his stomach. What the hell was going on? Jungkook sighed again, ruffling his own hair in frustration and letting out a deep breath. He opened his mouth but then closed it again.

At some point, he finally decided to talk.
"So...," he spoke quietly and hesitantly. "Um, I'm guessing you remember Bora. My first love or whatever. The one who cheated on--" Taehyung sucked the air in sharply, cutting him off as he couldn't hold his emotions back anymore.

"I know what happened, it's how I fell in love with you! Cut the shit and just tell me what happened. What is she doing there with you?!," the blonde boy snapped impatiently, Jungkook slightly flinching at that.

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