Chapter 71

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"Girls, we should have a sleepover. A sleepover right before graduation! How about Saturday?"

A strawberry blonde girl sucked in a slight breath, looking a tad uncomfortable. "I actually have something on that day. Can we reschedule?"
Her friend, Jennie, looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Do you have a date or something like that?," Jisoo asked suspiciously, the aforementioned girl shaking her head at that.
"No, a party. Or more like a small gathering. Taehyung invited me."

"Well, let's do Friday, then. I just remembered my mom actually wanted to take me prom dress-shopping on Saturday so Friday seems like a better option after all. Can you come straight after school?," Jennie asked nonchalantly, her three friends nodding at that.

"Okay, great! Catch you girls later, I need to get to class." The brunette rushed away with a small smile on her face, Jisoo following her after bidding the two remaining girls goodbye aswell.
That left only Lisa and Chaeyoung.

"Hey, Lisa... I actually have a question," the strawberry blonde girl spoke quietly, feeling a little nervous all of a sudden.

"Yeah?," her friend asked, looking at her in a way that made her heart abruptly stop for a small moment.
"Um...," Chaeyoung started, feeling herself at a loss of words temporarily. She really wanted to slap herself for being so painfully awkward around the other girl.

"You remember what I told you about Taehyung, right? About his dad sending him away straight after graduation?" Lisa sighed and then nodded, looking a bit dejected.

"Of course, how could I not? It's so horrible, sending your own kid away just because you can't deal with the way they are. Poor thing won't even be able to attend prom, right?" The strawberry blonde girl nodded too, her gaze directed towards the floor with a slightly heavy heart.

"Yes, exactly. This is kinda what this is about. Since he can't be here for the actual prom party, we've kind of decided to make our own one. Saturday before graduation, in our school's gym. We've already got all the permits and stuff, so... And, um, Tae actually asked me if I could bring you along. A-As a friend. And dance partner, hypothetically," she rambled, her cheeks slightly reddening.

Lisa smiled.
"Sure. If he doesn't mind me being there? And if he doesn't mind me knowing about all of this in the first place, I mean, I didn't get many chances to talk to him...," she spoke carefully, Chaeyoung also smiling at her politeness.

"I told him how good of a person you are. And he was the one who requested you in the first place. Don't worry, he trusts you. And I told you everything because I trust you. A lot. You're my... friend."
The silver-haired girl tilted her head, grinning playfully.

"I thought I was your best friend."
Chaeyoung widened her eyes, quickly nodding.
"Um, yeah. Of course, M-My best friend." She smiled nervously, averting her gaze elsewhere. Anywhere else, really.

And so, she accidentally happened to watch Taehyung and Jungkook kiss on the other side of the room, and flushed out of embarrassment.

She wasn't the only one watching them, of course, there were many others who would still stare at them in utter shock, as if they were aliens flying around in mystical spaceships. Though it had already been almost a year since they had made their relationship public. Some things would never change.

The more she thought about it, the more she envied the two of them and their courage. Their love was strong, so strong they were willing to give up anything else for it.
And she admired that. She believed that even after graduation, the two of them would find their way back to each other. Because that kind of love only came once in a lifetime.
She was very sure of that.

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