Chapter 75

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Wiping away his streaming tears furiously, the blonde turned his head towards the bathroom's door, slightly sniffling.


A dot of fiery red was visible in his glassy sight, growing bigger and bigger until he felt two arms pull him into a warm hug, his head crashing into a hard shoulder.

"You missed the Cap Throwing, Tae," the redhead said softly, patting his back. However, he, weirdly enough, still had his cap on.
"You poor thing. It's not over yet, you know? We're all still here, with you."

"Y-Yes, it is! It's all over, my f-father will be here to take me away, any moment!," Taehyung sobbed, burying his head even deeper in Jimin's shoulder and leaving dark patches all over his graduation gown.

"Taehyung, you-- Please don't cry. Or I may cry too." The older boy stroked his hair softly, his face turning into a sad frown.
"N-No, I've run away from this exact moment for months! I can't take it anymore, this is the e-end! Do you know how that f-feels?!"

Jimin sighed deeply, feeling a lump form in his throat. "Yea, yeah I do," he whispered.
"I'm losing you too, after all."
As no answer came from the still sobbing boy, he continued:

"Have I ever told you how important you are to me? You're my best friend, my platonic soulmate. Without you, I don't think I'll be complete. You make me feel strong and inspired. And I love you a lot for it," he spoke, Taehyung's sobs calming a bit down by now.

"Remember sophomore year? You know, I don't think I ever told you but when I saw you crying here and consoled you, I think I knew. I knew we shared a deeper connection and I knew we were meant to be best friends. 'This kid carries more emotions than anyone would've ever thought. I wanna get to know him better.' That's what I thought, I wanted to be there for you, immediately. And won't you look at that, history repeats itself." He looked around the restroom and smiled slightly.

"J-Jiminie," the blonde boy sniffled.
"Pl-Please tell me you'll always be there for me when I break down and cry in a dirty bathroom."

Jimin nodded his head. "Yes. Yes, I will. It'll be our thing."
Taehyung sniffled. "G-Good, because I don't think this is going to be the last time."

"I hope it is!," the redhead exclaimed. "I don't like seeing you cry. I'd rather be your stylist for all your special dates with Jungkook. Dolling you up is really fun."

Taehyung sniffled again. "But how? I'll be gone for years, what if we all drift apart? And what if Jungkook breaks up with me because he misses me so much he can't handle being committed to me anymore?!"
Jimin tsk'ed, flicking his forehead not too harshly.

"That's rubbish. Don't be so down, Taehyungie. Where's my strong, confident, sassy bestie that believes in himself and won't take anyone's shit?" For the first time today, the blonde smiled a bit.

"H-He's on vacation. For now." The older boy let out a short chuckle, rubbing his back.
"Well, get him back. These are our last moments for a long while and I want to see you smile, 'kay? You can cry on the plane all the way you want."

Now even Taehyung laughed a bit, another tear slipping out of his eye.
"Th-Thank you so much, Jiminie. For being my friend. All this time, I thought Jungkook would be my best friend for eternity but turns out it was actually you. Thank you for being there for me. Life is unfair for seperating us for such a long time. And please, never lose your passion for dancing."
Jimin nodded, patting his head softly.

"Don't worry, I won't. No matter what my family says." All of a sudden, the redhead stood up, pulling Taehyung up along with him. His graduation gown had wet patches all over it, reminding him, once again, of sophomore year.
"You know, there's someone who will really want to see you right now. You guys deserve a proper goodbye."

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