Chapter 50

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Taehyung's and Jungkook's luck lasted for about one more week.

And after that week was over, Taehyung found himself cornered in the empty locker room after his last period, by no other than Jackson and Chris.

As the two of them towered over him and glared at him without saying a single word, the blonde began to panic, clutching his books in his arms and his knees wobbling. His breaths were starting to quicken and his eyes were as big and round as saucers.

This was the moment he had been most afraid of for the last few weeks and he really didn't know how to react. To make matters worse, Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

"W-What do you want?," he stuttered, 
feeling utterly miserable at the moment. The two of them started laughing mockingly.

"After you and your filthiness got exposed, you still show your face at this school? Didn't you get the hint? We want you gone, f*g," Jackson hissed, stepping even closer so that Taehyung's back hit the locker.

And that's where he started forgetting his fear and anger took over.
He couldn't leave this school simply because of some dumb jocks, he wanted to stay here. With Jungkook. It was just so unfair. He had to speak up.

"No. I'm not going anywhere." Despite being pressed against the locker, he still stood tall, crossed his thin arms over each other and glared at the taller boys, his eyes blazing with a fire inside them that he had never experienced before. He finally had the courage to fight back.

"Little boy talking back, huh? My my, I'm so scared," the delinquent mocked, an evil smirk on his face.
"Listen, twink. You know I still have your diary, right? I wonder what the whole school will think if they know about your little secret." The blonde narrowed his eyes and huffed, going silent for a while.

"You wouldn't dare. You're too much of a coward to actually do that, both of you. Now leave me alone!" He tried to push the two of them away and escape but unfortunately, Jackson was quicker, and stronger. He grabbed him by his collar, slamming him back into the locker harshly. Taehyung winced.

"I don't fucking know where that sudden confidence is coming from, Kim, but I don't like it," he spoke in a low voice. "You have one fucking week to leave this school or I'm exposing your pretty little secret. Beware." The delinquent lowered his voice even more and whispered into the blonde's ear, making an unpleasant feeling erupt in his gut.

"Fuck you," Taehyung hissed with narrowed eyes, trying to pry Jackson's hand off his collar but of course, it was of no use.
"You bitch, how dare you speak to me like that? Now you're fucking getting it." The taller boy slammed him into the locker once again, now balling his quite shaky fist to hit him.

But before he could even raise his hand, he got pushed back harshly, Chris along with him, by a new, even stronger male figure.
"Fucking bastards, don't you fucking dare come near him!," he shouted, catching them off guard for a brief moment.

"Oh, Jeon. We were just having a conversation with dear little Taehyungie here, we think it's not so appropriate for him to visit this school, if you know what I mean. He needs to face the consequences, either he leaves or he gets exposed," Jackson simpered with a purposefully cute, high-pitched voice.

"He is not going anywhere just because you want him to. As long as I'm here, he is." The other boy gasped, a disgusted expression on his face.
Taehyung's cheeks reddened at his lover's words, his tummy filling with butterflies.

Not the time, Taehyung...

"You're still friends with that weak ass f*g? Dude, that's fucking creepy, how can you be friends with someone who probably dreams of your dick up his ass every night?," he asked in disbelief, clearly dumbfounded.

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