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A slightly stinging pain graced his chest as his fingers brushed across the soft bed sheets for one last time. His gaze lingered on every single piece of furniture decorating the room for a brier while: the desk, the closet, the chair, the little couch, the lamp...

Oh, how empty everything looked at the moment. Without his computer, notebooks, many pens and signature bottles of strawberry milk littering his desk. Without his colourful clothes and accessories peeking out of his wardrobe. Without his little plants peacefully sitting on his windsill and freshening up the dull ambiance.

But he knew, all things came to an end eventually. This was the moment that would close another meaningful chapter of his life. And open another one.

"Hey, Tae. You ready to go?" A brunette head peeked through the door, making him nod and stand up from the all too familiar bed and gaze upon the empty and lonely-looking room for one last time.
"I know how you must feel. College graduation hurts just as much as high school graduation, if not, even more. You think everything's easier after you finish high school but sadly, that's not the case. You must be feeling super old right now, huh?" With a heavy heart, Taehyung nodded.

"I went through all of this last year, I can still remember how sad you were when me, Jinyoung and Soojin finished college. But you found new companions and now you're a free man with countless possibilities." The blonde pouted.

"This year wasn't the same without you guys. I missed your cooking and your advice, your weird dad jokes and your singing in the shower. My new roommate was cool, but also boring. I'm so glad you came to bring me to the train station, Hyung, but you really didn't have to." Seokjin ruffled his hair fondly, grabbing the younger's very full suitcase and not listening to his protests.

"Don't worry about it, I wanted to. My part-time job is somewhere around there and my flat is only ten minutes away from the train station if you take the car. So believe me, absolutely no complications for me. Now let's go, or you'll miss your train. You don't wanna miss your college graduation party in Jejudo, do you?" Taehyung shook his head aggressively, of course he didn't!

"I'm so excited to see everyone again! All my friends, my mom, my dearest boyfriend... And I've never been to Jeju, this is gonna be amazing! I also haven't had a party in ages, last one was my birthday," he rambled, Seokjin smiling at him fondly. Despite him being a fully grown adult by now, his child-like spirit still shaped his bright aura.

"Hold up. You're twenty-two and you've never been to a college frat party? Damn, I should've taken you sometimes. Partying is so fun!" The blonde shook his head.
"It never intrigued me much. I don't really like the taste of alcohol, too many people around me make me feel dizzy and nauseous, bright lights and loud music aren't too nice either and most importantly, I'm in a relationship." The older nodded, understanding.

"Oh yeah, right. I guess partying is more fun for us single pringles." The brunette winked.
"But now, let's go for real. Or both of us are gonna regret it. Are you excited?" The pair now walked out of the dorm, the younger nodding brightly with the stinging sensation inside his chest still remaining and accompanying him on his way out.

"Mhm. I've always wanted to go to Jeju. The nature is so beautifully green and colourful, the water is clear as crystal and I've heard it's super clean and the restaurants and hotels are top quality, so I bet we're going to have an amazing time there. I mean, the reservation was pretty expensive, but thanks to mom's new job and Mrs. Jeon we were able to pay it just fine. And I've also heard that people in Jeju have this really funny dialect and I wanna see if it's true," Taehyung rambled again, leaving the building and turning around to see his dorm building one last time, standing proudly and its white walls contrasting beautifully with the morning sun's vibrant reddish colours.

《BFF》|| taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now