Chapter 23

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Dear diary,

The last two weeks have been a pain for me.

Today is the last day of the autumn holidays. Jungkook's family hates cold weather so they went to Egypt.
I'm happy for Jungkook, I really am. He probably got to see so many cool things there, like the pyramids!

But I also missed him a lot, we couldn't interact much since there's a different timezone in Egypt. But that didn't help me move on a bit, I'm still kind of in love with him...

Well, seems like moving on won't be that easy, huh?

My holidays were really boring, by the way. Father insisted that I should not take a break and become a literal study machine... So my holidays basically consisted of me studying, listening to Girls' Generation with my headphones on, trying to ignore my father's constant picking on me and thinking about Jungkook.
Great, right?

At least I could text Jimin. He went to Japan to visit his girlfriend's family, which makes me the only one staying at home.

So, tomorrow's school. At least I get to see Jungkook, I missed him!
And Jimin, I kind of missed him too.

Remember my last entry? About Jimin's girlfriend being Jungkook's crush? Do you think he got over it? It's been some time and she's a taken girl after all...

Ugh, I should not get my hopes up. It won't end well.

Anyways, it's kind of late and I need to sleep for tomorrow, I think I have to go...

So goodbye, dear diary, TTYL!

-Taehyungie ♡


As soon as Taehyung entered the still almost empty classroom, he heard someone shout his name in a purposefully high-pitched voice, sitting in the back row.

"Jiminieeee!," Taehyung shouted back, imitating that high-pitched voice and making his way towards the back row, where a certain someone with flaming red hair, parted in the middle, was now standing up.

Being happy to see the other again, Taehyung wrapped his arms around the shorter boy's neck, pulling him into a quick hug.
Jimin responded to the friendly gesture by hugging Taehyung's waist, smiling fondly.

They stayed a while like this, enacting this beautiful act of friendship, not noticing how another boy entered the classroom.

"Uh... H-Hey, Taehyung." Loosening his and Jimin's hug, Taehyung spun around and saw the person he had been missing so much throughout the whole holidays, of course it was...

"Jungkookieeee!," Taehyung yelled excitedly as he threw his arms around the boy's nape and basically threw himself into his arms. He did not even feel embarrassed or nervous in the slightest, the excitement was taking over.

What he did not see was how a huge, bunny-toothed smile broke out on Jungkook's face, the latter's cheeks reddening tremendously as he embraced Taehyung's sudden 'tackle-hug' by tightly holding his waist.
And once again, it felt like time had stopped.

The hug only lasted for a good 10 seconds until they both realized what they were doing and started panicking, releasing the hug quickly.

While Taehyung was trying to calm the agitation he was feeling, the only thing Jungkook could think about was how good Taehyung's hair had smelled and how nice it had felt to hug him after such a long time.

Because Jungkook had missed Taehyung a lot, too.

On the plane ride to his destination, in the hotel, during the sight-seeing, on the plane ride back, the whole time he couldn't help but think about Taehyung. A lot.
About what he had done, how he had been eating, how he had been sleeping, if he was feeling well, the usual.

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