Chapter 13

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(A/N: Dear readers, the beginning of this chapter may confuse you a lot. Please don't be too confused and keep reading. 💕)

Taehyung was sitting on a small bench amid fresh, green grass and beautiful, tall, blooming trees, the slight wind causing petals to be swept towards the ground swiftly.

For a time he had only been turning his head around and around, as if he were looking for something. Truly, he knew what he was looking for but he couldn't comprehend the fitting words inside his head.

Until suddenly, he heard a noise from afar. It could've been a dog's bark, a shrill voice, even a phone's ringtone. Taehyung didn't know.

But as he whipped his head around to see where it was coming from, he suddenly saw someone sitting beside him. Someone with soft, raven hair covering his forehead, smiling sweetly at him.

"Jungkook?," he asked, surprised.
The other silently took Taehyung's hands into his own ones, his eyes never leaving Taehyung's and that sweet smile still playing on his lips.

"I know about everything." Taehyung widened his eyes and tried looking somewhere else, anywhere but Jungkook's eyes.
He saw a small rabbit hopping around in the distance and tried focusing on it instead.

Suddenly, he felt a small tug on his hands and his eyes wandered back to the other, whose face seemed a lot closer than it did before.

"Eyes on me." He started smiling again.

"I like you too, Kim Taehyung." He felt Jungkook's hand pushing back a hair strand and cupping his face, stroking his cheek with his thumb.
And all of a sudden, he felt this beautiful feeling in his chest, almost making him tear up.

He said nothing, just looking into the younger's starry eyes that made him feel so... loved.

And without a warning, he saw Jungkook's face come closer and closer, until...

He felt the other's lips lay on his own.
They weren't too dry or wet, just perfectly smooth with a sweet, sweet taste he couldn't even begin to describe.

His other hand moved towards Taehyungs's other cheek to cup it and bring his face closer.

Taehyung closed his eyes and responded immediately, his hands finding their way into Jungkook's soft, silky locks.
Even though their eyes were closed, they could feel the wind swaying through the branches and making petals fall off the blooming trees.

Heart-shaped petals, to be exact.

He could even hear music. The softest, sweetest and most romantic tunes he could've ever imagined. Was it real? Or was he imagining it?

Taehyung felt all sorts of colourful fireworks, butterflies, whatevers, buzzing through his body, close to exploding by the immense amount of euphoria he was feeling right now.

The kiss was not too short and not too long. Just... perfect.
And after feeling a significant deprivation of oxygen in his body, Taehyung opened his eyes.

And saw the outlines of a dark room right before him, Jungkook's bedroom.

Instead of romantic tunes, he could hear various kinds of birds chirping, but to him it didn't sound like happy chirping, more like screeching under torture. He abruptly sat up and traced his lips with his index finger, the 'kiss' still lingering on them.

This was a dream? But it felt so real!
Taehyung felt a stinging pain rushing through his chest, feeling saddened and disappointed.

I mean, actually kissing Jungkook was too good and beautiful to be true.

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