Chapter 5

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(A/N: I literally wrote this chapter on the 3rd of january and i forgot to publish it, now that i realized i wanna bang my head against a wall ughhh
this is a chapter about new years eve btw <3)

Loud bangs and crackling noises filled Taehyung's ears.

Small, dancing fires in various colours reflected themselves in his dark brown eyes, making them glitter brightly.

A smile full of adoration made its way onto his beautiful face as he was watching the lively night sky. A thought filled his mind, a thought that made his heart jump in excitement.

A new year had just begun. Just what would it bring?

About half an hour ago, he and Jungkook had decided (or more like, Jungkook had decided) to be extra rebellious and get wasted.
And while the younger had downed many, many glasses of alcoholic beverage, Taehyung had brought himself to drink one sip of sparkling wine and he never wanted anything to do with it again.

You see, the two of them had decided to spend New Year's Eve at Jungkook's house, and since his parents decided to spend a romantic night out in a fancy Chinese restaurant, Jungkook took all the alcohol from their basement, wine, champagne, whiskey and all, feeling extremely excited for his first time drinking. And that without his parents' permission.

Speaking of Jungkook, the sixteen-year old boy currently opened the Jeons' balcony door skillfully, approaching Taehyung with a smile on his face as he also saw the colourful, blazing fireworks still pop around in the sky. Despite being extremely drunk, he somehow managed to walk in a pretty stable manner.

Taehyung would've expected him to stand next to him, maybe rocking around a bit since he must be super dizzy, admire the fireworks (despite living in a small, kind of seperated village that didn't even have a proper shopping mall, the fireworks were absolutely beautiful) and maybe laugh or take some pictures or videos.

What he didn't expect was Jungkook pressing his back against his chest, snaking his arms around his waist and backhugging him with his chin resting on his shoulder.

Mind you, his tiny not-so-friendly feelings towards the younger still hadn't close to vanished.
Having the aforementioned backhug him and now even nuzzle his face in the crook of his neck was most definetely not helping his heart, body or mind.

As far as he could remember, he'd never been this close physically to Jungkook in many years. Sure, when they were children, they may have cuddled and hugged each other a few times, but this was different. They were teenagers, they were in the process of puberty. Skinship was something boys his age would never dare pursue with their buddies.

He could literally feel Jungkook's breath on his neck, it was driving him crazy.
His heartbeat  accelerated like crazy and his knees were slowly giving in, having a strange consistency similar to melted butter or jelly. Not to mention the dark blush decorating his face and his body heating up by many degrees.

Jungkook still hadn't said a word, probably not in a state where he should speak much, and neither did Taehyung. They just stayed in this position silently, both of them admiring the fireworks.

Taehyung knew it was just the alcohol. Jungkook wasn't a clingy person when sober at all but seems like drunk Jungkook was an extremely clingy Jungkook.

But that didn't stop him from liking it, a lot actually. And it didn't stop his heart and body from reacting a certain way and making him feel things he didn't even know he could feel. Was this what having a crush felt like? It couldn't be, right?

Still not talking, he put his hands on top of Jungkook's hands and embraced the backhug as he prayed he would forget everything when he was sober again.

And that was when he realized,

he did have a crush on Jungkook. A potentially serious one. He didn't know how it happened or why it happened, it just happened. No point denying it.

He had a crush on his best friend. His best friend.

What a great way to start a new year.


(A/N: wtf did i write tho lmao, sorry if nothing makes sense. hope you still enjoyed uwu)

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