Chapter 14

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Dear Diary...

Have I ever mentioned how beautiful Jungkook's eyes are?

That's so random, right? But seriously, his eyes can display so many different emotions, every time I look at them, I feel like I can read all of his feelings.

Like when he's happy, they're all glittery and shiny, sooo pretty! And when he laughs, they crinkle.
Sooo cute, right?

But when he's sad, they look all gloomy and kind of numb and just one look at his eyes can make you emotional! Luckily, he doesn't get sad often.
Well, at least I hope he doesn't.

And when he's angry, his eyes look so dark and cold, it scares me. Just one look at him and I can feel the shivers run up my spine, it really intimidates me.

But in the dream I had recently, they portrayed an emotion I've never properly seen before... love.
Sooo romantic..

Ooh that's right, I completely forgot to tell you!
I recently had a dream about Jungkook, we were sitting on a bench and he... kissed me!

It felt so perfect, no words could ever describe this feeling, it was so beautiful and romantic I could've collapsed!

To be frank, when I woke up, I wanted to die. Or fall asleep again so I could continue kissing him!

But dear diary, now I really wanna kiss him every time I see him, my crush's becoming worse and worse.
I always catch myself studying his lips when he's around me and it hurts me so much to know that I will never get the chance.

And you know what's the worst? His birthday is tomorrow and he wants me to tell him my secret! How do I do this? What if he hates me? But at least his mom supports me...

Ugh, why can't I just stay in dreamland for eternity?

Okay anyways, this is becoming too depressing to talk about, goodbye, dear diary!

-Taehyungie ♡


As soon as Taehyung opened his eyes on the following day, he was happy and scared at the same time.

After sitting up in his bed and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes intensively, he grabbed his phone and unlocked it to type a message.

Happy birthday Kook💛💛
Sent 9:12 AM

He smiled slightly, slowly feeling himself wake up.

Rereading the text several times, he frowned.

Should I have written more?

Were the hearts too much? Too inappropriate? Wrong colour?

Is it normal for boys to text their friend with heart emojis? Is he gonna assume something? Shit... Well, whatever.

He's gonna know sooner or later, no big deal.

Sighing, he removed his body from under his covers and stepped out of his bed while stretching out his arms over his head.

He let his gaze wander over Jungkook's birthday present, a computer game he knew the other had liked for a long time, 'Call Of Duty'.

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