Chapter 39

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Dear substitute diary,

My real diary still hasn't shown up so I'm still using you, notepad, as my substitute diary.

I really wonder where it went. Did our janitor throw it away? Or is it still hidden somewhere? I'd love to know but seems like everything I can do is just hope...

Anyways, you must be wondering how my 'situation' is going.
Mark's not showing up at school, I don't know if he's trying to prove a point and be rebellious or if I should be worried. I should just be relieved, right?

Jimin also keeps asking questions, since I'm a decent human I told him we weren't ready for a relationship and stayed friends and even though he seemed a bit confused I think he believed me. I hate lying to people but this is just to avoid complications!

So far only Jungkook knows what actually happened with Mark, thank god. Did I mentioned we spent New Year's Eve together?
It was so beautiful, just like last year.
The way his eyes became big and round when he saw the fireworks. The way his nose scrunches everytime he's ecstatic. And, not to mention, his damn bunny smile! :'((
I really do love him.

His baby cousins Yeji and Beomgyu also sent me cute little letters a week after my birthday, with their cute little drawings! I think they tried to draw rainbows and birthday cakes, they're so cute! It must be so nice to have kids, sometimes I imagine what it would be like to raise a child with Jungkook. He would be such a good dad. I'm so freaking soft!

Oops, where did that thought come from? I need to seriously stop...
Argh, I'm such a hopeless romantic!
It's not like I could ever raise a kid with him anyways...
Sometimes, I want to smack myself in the face...

Oh, there is someone coming up my room. It doesn't sound like my mom, more like my dad.

It doesn't sound very good, to be honest. Did I do something? Now I'm getting worried.

Dear substitute diary, I'm gonna end this entry now, thank you for listening and being a good substitute. Bye!!

-Taehyungie ♡


Taehyung was right, the footsteps that lead towards his bedroom did sound like it was an extremely serious situation. But he didn't recall being exactly disobedient lately so he furrowed his eyebrows confusedly.

(A/N: kind of a trigger warning, i guess? i'm sorry, just beware and don't read if you're sensitive towards this stuff💞)

Just a few seconds later, someone barged in and his father stood in the doorframe, looking more infuriated than ever, his shoulders were trembling and he could already hear the older man's teeth grind unpleasantly against each other.

And just as he was about to ask what the matter was, he saw him come closer and closer and next thing, he heard a loud slap felt a sharp sting on his cheek, his eyes shut tight and his hands gripping the chair in shock and fear.

Did his own father just do this to him? Slap him?

"F-Father, wh--"
"Silence!," the middle-aged man roared.
Holding his stinging cheek with trembling hands, Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes.

Had he done something? What was the reason?

"Wh-What did I do?," he asked with a shaky voice, not daring to look his father in the eye.
For a while, it was silent. Mr. Kim seemed to have calmed down. Or so he thought.

"You. You have the audacity to ask what you have done?! You disgraceful little boy," he spat, keeping his voice low and dangerously quiet.

"N-No, seriously. I d-don't know what you're talking a-about. Please." Tears were now brimming at the edge of Taehyung's eyes, he was seriously starting to get scared now.

"I know everything. So this is what you do when you "visit the library"?," his father hissed, his nostrils flaring as he pulled out a mobile phone and pushed it in front of his son's face aggressively.

A video was played.
The screen was dark, only a few small sources of light could be seen.

Suddenly, the camera zoomed on a spot that the light hit perfectly, two boys. A brunette one and a blonde one.
The words were inaudible as the camera zoomed in even further, into their faces.

And as it focused, Taehyung let out a gasp.
The two boys were very clearly him and Mark. And in the background, the Starbucks logo could be seen.

The blonde's heart stopped when he saw Mark kissing him, it made him feel sick. From that angle, it looked like the both of them were actually enjoying it and the kiss was fully consented.
Which it was obviously not.

"You... are part of that disgusting, filthy group of people? You are not a part of my family, you are nothing but a humiliation!"
Taehyung's tears were now threatening to fall. In order to save himself in this horrible situation, he tried making up excuses.

"T-This is a misunderstanding. That k-kiss was non-consensual and I was too s-shocked to fight b-back!," he cried out.
He could hear his father scoff.

"Nonsense. That's not what your friend said when he sent... this to me!"
This was too much for the blonde boy.
Who in their right mind would ever do something like this to him?

There was no one at Starbucks except for him and Mark. How could they have been filmed?!

"W-What friend? I didn't tell anyone about this!"
Mr. Kim pushed his phone in front of Taehyung's face again, this time it was text messages.

Mr. Kim, you have to know something.
This is what your son does when he goes to the library.
Just thought you'd like to know.
This is his friend, by the way. The raven-haired one with the bunny teeth.
-Video inserted-

Bunny teeth? Raven hair?

There was only one person he knew that possessed these specific features.

No. It couldn't be true. Not him. Right?

"I promise I didn't want to, h-he just came at me and k-kissed me!," he yelped, his first tear falling.
To be fair, he wasn't even lying.

"Lies, lies and lies! Why else would you be outside a Starbucks when you told us you'd go to the library?! To spread your disgusting lifestyle everywhere, of course!," Mr. Kim yelled, making him cower.

"N-No. I swear, I'm not ga--"
Another harsh slap was delivered to his face, this time sending him flying off his chair.

"All you do is embarrass this family. If you weren't the only child, I would've already kicked you out of this house, without hesitation. Should've left you in an orphanage, too bad I didn't know you'd be such a disgrace. Disgusting f*g."
And with that, the older man got on top of the weak boy sprawled across the floor and punched him in the face, making him wince.

And for a long time, he didn't stop demolishing poor Taehyung's body, not until he had vented out enough to his satisfaction.

And when he did, the blonde was already unconscious.


(A/N: guys my heart broke so hard when i wrote this but i've had this part planned ever since i started this story so i had to write this, i'm sorry😭😭

now i feel really shit and i wanna hug tae so bad rn, my poor baby didn't deserve this ajdkdlsjdj i'm so sorry😔
damn you can really feel my remorse for hurting him like this but it's part of the plot so i had to, pls forgive me💘💓💞💖💕💝💗😞💕💗😞😞💝💖💛💞💘)

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