Chapter 59

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"TaeTae Oppa! I wan' cake!"

A tiny girl with adorable pigtails and a light purple, glittering tutu clang onto a much bigger, blonde boy sitting on the couch, small and chubby fists hitting his knees continuously.

The boy, also known as Taehyung, smiled as he picked her up and booped her tiny nose.
"Of course, princess. Anything for my favourite birthday girl," he cooed, setting her on his lap and grabbing a piece of cake from the dining table, too big for her to reach.

The little girl, also known as Yeji, squealed excitedly as she hugged his neck and bounced up and down on his lap, the boy smiling as he kept her still by holding her back. He held a piece of birthday cake in the air pushed the fork into her tiny mouth gently.
"Thank you, TaeTae Oppa! You're the best!," she exclaimed after chewing up her beloved chocolate birthday cake.

"This is why I only love TaeTae Oppa, not you! You never gave me cake!" She turned towards another boy around Taehyung's age, who was watching them with a fond smile until these exact words left her mouth. He then rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief, his messy raven hair bouncing around freely.

Christ, that girl has absolutely no manners, huh?
"That was one time, when will you finally be able to let it go? I swear, you hate me. You're lucky I love your TaeTae Oppa too." He stood up, seating himself next to the pair and pulling the blonde closer, kissing his cheek and making it redden.

Suddenly, another toddler entered the scene, wearing an olive green bandana and jumping around on the floor happily. Beomgyu.
"I love TaeTae Hyung too." He ran towards Taehyung too, clinging onto his leg which resulted in the blonde laughing heartily as he patted the boy's head.
"Of course you do, my adorable little birthday boy."

"Seriously? I swear, everyone hates me," the ravenette, also known as Jungkook, sulked. He moved closer towards his lover's ear and whispered: "You're lucky I love you to death, or else I'd hold a grudge against you."

"Aw noo, they love you too. And I love you. Kids, you love him too, right?" Yeji shook her head wildly, much to their dismay, while Beomgyu nodded enthusiastically, now moving towards Jungkook with a huge smile on his face.
"Yes! I love KooKoo Hyung too, he's so cool and handsome. I want to be just like him one day!," he exclaimed, his little doe eyes full of admiration and his arms clinging onto his left leg.

Yeji kept quiet purposefully, nibbling on her piece of yummy chocolate cake.
"See? KooKoo, you're loved aswell." To that, the ravenette smiled, his head leaning on his boyfriend's shoulder.
"Oh my god. Tingles. Call me that again, please."

The blonde laughed. "What? KooKoo?" With a satisfied smile, the younger snuggled closer, his arms wrapping around the blonde's waist which made him giggle softly.
"You're such a big baby."

To that, the ravenette lifted his head from Taehyung's shoulder, kissing his neck not only once, but twice.
"And you're my baby," he whispered, always keeping his lips close to the blonde's neck.

Feeling extremely alarmed, Taehyung pushed his head away.
"Hey! There are toddlers among us, don't do that," he whispered, stroking Yeji's hair softly, the little girl watching the two of them with round eyes.

"Fine," Jungkook grumbled. "But after they're gone, I want you all to myself."
To that, the blonde grinned.
"Of course, KooKoo," he spoke in a sultry voice.

"TaeTae Hyung!"
"TaeTae Oppa!," both of the toddlers exclaimed at the same time, making his attention immediately avert to the two of them.
"Yes, my precious little birthday twins?"

"We wan' presents!," Beomgyu begged, his tiny mouth formed into a pout which made Taehyung's heart clench out of adoration.
"Yesss!," Yeji added, her small hand grabbing the blonde's much bigger hand and pulling it demandingly.

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