Chapter 81

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"What did you want to show me so badly?"

"Just something that I found kinda cute, thought you might like it." A raven-haired boy pressed a kiss onto his lover's forehead, who he was currently carrying bridal style. Said lover had his eyes covered with both his hands since his boyfriend had just ordered him to.

Jungkook carried him to his living room quietly, a little smile playing on his lips. As soon as they stood inside it, he set Taehyung onto the ground swiftly, careful not to accidentally drop him.
"You know, I still don't understand why you had to carry me. It doesn't hurt that much, you know?"

The younger boy let out a little laugh. "Yeah, yeah. You can open your eyes now."
Feeling his heart pound against his ribcage out of excitement and curiosity, Taehyung first peeked through his fingers, blinking for his eyes to adjust to the bright lighting of the Jeons' living room.

And as he completely removed his hands from his face, right in front of him, he saw...

A baby basket.

With a baby inside!

"Oh my god, Koo! Is that-- is that a newborn?," he whispered, trying extremely hard not to squeal and covering his mouth with his hands in order to not let out a sound and disturb the sleeping baby. Feeling his heart swell as he saw how excited the older was, Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah. Remember what I told you about my aunt? She actually gave birth. This is her second daughter, she herself almost died in the process. But she's recovering."

"I'm so glad it went well then, they need their mommy. Look at her, she's so tiny!" Bending over to get a better look at the baby's face, he cooed, feeling his heart clench at the sight of her little face resting peacefully. Well, for now.
Taehyung kneeled onto the floor, booping the newborn's nose as softly as possible.

And suddenly, she opened her big, round eyes.

"Oh, she's awake! Hi, pumpkin! What's your name?," he asked carefully, the little girl blinking her huge eyes at him curiously. "Awwh," he couldn't help but squeal at the sight, he just loved babies too much. Jungkook kneeled next to him, smiling and kissing the blonde's nape before looking at her aswell.
"Her name is Umji. Look at her thumbs, they're so small," he whispered into his ear.

"Such an adorable name. Hi Umji! I'm Taehyung," he whispered excitedly, grabbing her tiny hand gently and trying to intertwine her fingers with his own, much, much bigger ones. It did not work well. So he just decided to massage her tiny hands with a pout, to which she reacted with a tiny squeal.

"Aww, she likes it! Do you think we can hold her, Jungkookie?" The ravenette nodded, looking at the two of them fondly.
"Mom told us to babysit her. We should feed her too, maybe change the diapers aswell. But we'll see about that one later."
As he saw his boyfriend grab Umji's middle and carefully lift her tiny body into the air, he could've sworn he teared up.

Taehyung held the newborn against his chest, wrapping her in fluffy blankets to keep her warm and swaying her around slowly. Hearing her gurgle softly in satisfaction, he looked over to Jungkook who was already staring at him with round, loving, and a bit glassy eyes. "Kook? I love her so much, I don't think I can ever let her go! Hey, what happened to you? You look like you're about to cry!"

"I-I don't know," the ravenette stuttered. "This just looks too... domestic? This could be us with our own daughter in a few years, Tae. I just think that's beautiful." He scooted closer, ruffling the blonde's hair and then caressing his cheek, also caressing Umji's cheek after. Taehyung smiled softly, leaning closer towards him. "Yes, it is. I can't wait to spend an eternity with you. I love you so much, Jeon Jungkook."

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