Chapter 19

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As the days passed, Jungkook was still confused.

As much as he wanted to keep his mind off that topic, it wouldn't work.

He even did some research on it, but all of the forums and videos he came across basically said the same thing:
You just know.

But Jungkook did not.

He kept thinking about Taehyung, the way he just kept everything a secret and put up with whatever came at him.
How did he even manage?

Taehyung was different from other boys Jungkook knew.
He was quiet, a bit reserved and kind of... delicate.

He never felt the need to show off his abilities, he always wanted the best for everyone and knew how to make people laugh.

Thinking of that, Jungkook subconsciously smiled.

And remembering all the times Taehyung was at his side to make him feel better, he felt his heart swell with pride.
Until he suddenlg remembered something.

'What are you? His boyfriend or something?'
'Excuse me? Not that it's any of your business but... he's not! Don't make me regret forgiving you.'

He sat up straight, his heart beating slightly faster.
Did he hesitate? When that son of a bitch asked if I was his boyfriend, did he hesitate? Why do I feel like he did? And why would he hesitate?

Then he remembered something else.

'Don't get jealous over something like that, Jungkook. It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything-'

His mouth opened slightly.
That word. Boyfriend.
It made him think.

What would it be like to be his boyfriend?
And what would it be like to have him as my boyfriend?

He then remembered having Taehyung on his lap, hugging him.
It felt nice.

And suddenly, Jungkook forgot about his constant girlfriend-crises.

Despite never having thought about any boy in that way, he couldn't help but admit that the imagination of Taehyung being his boyfriend made his heart jump a little.
He didn't know why.

What's wrong with you, Jungkook? He's your best friend and doesn't like you in that way! And you never thought of anything else than girls, what changed?

Truthfully, he did not know.
But, of course, Taehyung and his confession had something to do with it.

And then again, girls are so complicated sometimes.
They're so moody and bossy, and they can't seem to take a hint sometimes!
Maybe boys are different?
I would actually like to find out...

Jungkook realized that he wouldn't have a problem with trying to go out with a boy, which quite shocked him, since he obviously couldn't stand a chance in this homophobic environment.

Weird... Weird how this suddenly happened... But then again, I never thought about it.

I might even have a type, a boy-type.
Someone soft who really cares about me and is thoughtful.
And shy. And adorable. With a beautiful smile. And pretty hands.

Someone like...

Jungkook widened his eyes while whisper-shouting:



"Mom, I need to ask you something," Jungkook spoke as he walked in on his mother cooking dinner in the kitchen.

《BFF》|| taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now