Chapter 74

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The day had come.

Graduation day, the final day that would comple their entire education and finish the possibly most decisive chapter in their lives.

And as much as everyone resented school and everything that came with it: the homework, the assignments, the exams, the stress, peer pressure and filial duties, it seemed that everyone was terrified of fulfilling this grand chapter and start the next one.

As Taehyung scrutinized his appearance in the mirror thoroughly, adjusting his graduation cap every now and then, he felt odd. He had never felt this way before, he felt scared, saddened and giddy at the same time.
He had dreamed of this day for years over years, wearing his cap and gown, receiving his hopefully satisfying diploma and throwing his cap with all his might while laughing and jumping around happily and walking out of school for one last time as a completely new person.

Of course, he had never thought of being forced to face such consequences before.
But even with the crucial circumstances, he wanted to make the best of it and have the nicest graduation, after all, it was a once-in-a-lifetime-thing that could never be replaced.

His gaze fell upon the pretty fairy lights that made his room look a tad more fantasy-like. They made him remember Christmas Eve, the bright smile on his face when he received them...
He then glanced at the picture on the nightstand, Jungkook backhugging Taehyung and teasingly nibbling his earlobe and both of them laughing happily; he couldn't help but smile.
He really did love the younger boy...

So there he was, only a few hours later: standing with his classmates as the procession of the graduation ceremony began, the principal giving an opening speech, his voice firm and proud.
Taehyung's heart beat wildly inside his chest, he didn't expect himself to be this excited but he was. As much as he tried to concentrate on his principal's speech, it was as if every word that he spoke left his head as soon as his ear picked it up.

To his left, there stood Jimin and Chaeyoung, both redheads listening attentively with little smiles on their faces. Giving a closer look, he could see the way Jimin's hands were gripping his robe tightly, something he did when he was nervous.
Chaeyoung's right hand kept brushing through her hair all the time, a sign that she wasn't feeling too relaxed either.

To his right, there stood an also anxious-looking Jungkook, the ravenette holding his hand tightly and squeezing it about every ten seconds. His hand felt clammy and a tad sweaty and taking a closer look, the younger was biting his lower lip in nervousness. Taehyung intertwined their fingers gently, smiling inwardly.

He himself was about to blow up due to overwhelming emotions, today was the day he had always dreamed of and at the same time, dreaded.
But he tried not to think of it. He wouldn't, until it was time for it to ultimately happen.

The principal had finished his speech, signalling that it was now time for them to receive their diplomas. Taehyung felt his hands shake out of excitement, hoping that all the hard work he had absolved for his whole life would have paid off.

Many, many names were called. At every single name, Taehyung's heart seemed to give a little leap. Taking deep breaths, he tried to calm himself, Jungkook noticing his nervousness and snaking an arm around his shoulders to pat his left shoulder, the blonde smiling as he did so.

He recalled the memories from the past day: shopping for new clothes and getting complimented for every single piece of clothing he put on (which did not help at all, by the way), watching an amazing movie at the cinema, luckily not a horror movie but an action movie which he found very entertaining, eating the best strawberry ice cream he had ever eaten and going back home while watching the glorious sunset and reminiscing over old memories; the day had been nothing but perfect.

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