Chapter 33

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Dear Diary...

My birthday is in a week but I don't feel excited at all! :(

Then again, I was never excited for it like, ever.
'It's just getting a year older, nothing special about it.' That's what my father always said. And honestly, I thought so too.

Jungkook and his family are the only people that actually made me look forward to it. They would always throw the sweetest parties and give me the sweetest presents, i felt so blessed every 30th December.

Like my tenth birthday, I will never forget it! They seriously rented the swimming pool in our city even though it was cold winter! I still don't understand why they rented the swimming pool...
And there were so many balloons and so much confetti and even soap bubbles floating around in the empty pool... I felt like I was in heaven.

And then there was tiny Jungkook running to me with the biggest smile and screaming "Happy birthday, Taehyung!" from the top of his lungs, as soon as I entered. He used to be so small, much smaller than me. Such a cute baby. I mean, he is a year younger. But now, it's like he's bigger than me... Baby, my ass.

Anyways, the food! We ate the yummiest ramyeon with crêpes and birthday cake... Weird combination, I know. But so worth it!

This birthday is just an example, by the way. My other birthdays were just as fascinating, you wouldn't believe.

But this year, everything will change. Jungkook and I aren't friends anymore, at least that's what I think.
It's so unusual, we used to do everything together and now both of us have to go seperate ways, just because of my douchebag father. (Don't let him see this, please.)

Not to mention the fact that I am (or I was?) in love with him. This should be my opportunity to move on from him and yet I'm just sitting here, being depressed. Sometimes, I just can't with myself...

Oh, and I have to tell you something! Mark Lim asked me out, can you believe it? Actually, I should've seen it coming, I just thought that he was a flirty kind of friend. The kind of friend that flirts without it having any meaning. But woah, turns out I was wrong. He really does like me...

A hot guy asking me out was like my favourite teenage fantasy but now that it happened, somehow I don't want to anymore! It's like my love for Jeon Jungkook is destroying every single opportunity I ever had...

I'm still struggling about what I should say to Mark, I don't want to disappoint him but I don't want to lead him on falsely either. He really does like me, he asks me about my 'answer' every damn day.

I guess I'll just go with the flow and listen to my heart. Or maybe not.
I'll just say what I feel like saying at the moment.

I don't want to keep him waiting so I'll have my answer ready tomorrow. Whatever I feel like saying then, I guess.

Anyways, dear diary. I have to do my homework now, ttyl and thank you for always listening to my weird thoughts!
Luv yaaa



During the process of finding all answers to the complicated mathematical equations, Taehyung felt a sudden emptiness inside his heart.

He missed Jungkook. And not only Jungkook, he also missed all the sweet moments they had spent together.

Such an unfortunate turn of events, huh?

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