Chapter 57

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"What am I supposed to do, Jiminie?!"

A blonde boy was walking around his room in circles, pulling his hair so hard he was close to accidentally ripping it out. His lips were formed into a frustrated pout and his steps were uneven and aggressive.

"You have plenty of time trying to figure this out, Tae. But most importantly, you should tell him. Talk to him."
Abruptly, the younger boy turned around, looking even more frustrated now. Like he could throw a tantrum. Or have a meltdown.

"Yeah, sure. I'll just talk to him because that will totally make everything better! What am I supposed to say, 'Hey, Jungkookie! Guess what? My shitty father is shipping me off to America forever and I'll never get to see you again and destroy our relationship'? You know how expensive the plane tickets are! Just--" He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

"I'm sorry for getting so upset. It's just so unfair. I find the love of my life and we're in the most perfect relationship ever, aside from the circumstances, and now I have to throw it all away? Just because my inhumane monster of a father can't stand gay people? God hates me!," he cried, a red-haired boy sitting on his bed watched the whole scenario with raised eyebrows and pulled the whining Taehyung next to him.

"Hey, hey. Not all hope is lost. Maybe he can visit you sometime. America's not that far, right? Closer than Europe. Be glad your father's not sending you to France, then. Or Great Britain." He patted the younger's back, said younger looking at him with a sad face.

"No, Jimin," he said quietly. "Europe is closer from here, by two thousand kilometres."
Jimin formed an 'O' with his mouth but nevertheless, kept trying to calm his sad friend down.

"Oopsie, my bad. Well, he could still visit you. The distance doesn't matter, your love does. And you guys love each other and you're gonna... cling to that, I guess. You can have video chats. Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine." He ruffled Taehyung's hair, the blonde still pouting.

"I don't know if it's going to be fine. He's going to be heartbroken and so am I. Every night I don't have him to hold me in his arms, I feel like freaking out already because I miss him like hell."

"How am I supposed to live months, years without him by my side? Without, just... feeling him? His warmth? His kiss? His touch? His love? Just-- everything?," the blonde whined, leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"You know, we had our usual cuddle date today. He just knew something was off, it was so hard to make up a believeable excuse and convince him that nothing was seriously wrong." He thought back, recalling the memory of him and the younger cuddling...


"Baby, is something wrong? You look so sad today, should I worry about something? Or someone? Do I need to beat someone up?" The raven-haired boy nudged his lover, who was straddling him and just like that, hugging him tightly by his shoulders.

"No... I'm fine." The blonde said quietly, nuzzling his head further into Jungkook's shoulder. When actually, he was anything but fine. Every time he saw his boyfriend smile, and recently, he smiled a lot, it hurt him. Because it was him who would have to wipe that beautiful smile off his face eventually.

He knew it was nobody's but his father's fault but couldn't help but feel extremely guilty.

"Don't lie, my little prince. What's happening?" Taehyung internally panicked when he felt the other boy grab his chin and force his head up in the softest way possible, feeling helpless.

"Oh, it's just..." He thought of the most believable excuse possible spontaneously, his lips forming into a pout.
"You know, junior year is coming to an end. And-- the finals. They're in two weeks, I'm so scared of them and I feel like I should study and revise every single second of the day."

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