Chapter 11

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Taehyung's happiness faded quickly when he saw the movie they were going to watch, a horror movie.
A horror movie by the name of 'IT', to be more specific.

(A/N: IT is the only horror movie i have ever watched through because i'm a literal baby when it comes to horror movies, i can't watch them without getting scared at every single thing so please pretend like this is the scariest and most recent horror movie ever thanks smdmks XD)

Taehyung hated horror movies.

"Uhh, Jungkook, are we really gonna watch that?" He felt Jungkook's eyes rest on his unsettling self.

"Yeah, why? You scared?" He saw a slight amused smirk on the other's lips and gasped.

"You jerk! Don't pretend like you don't know!" Taehyung pouted when Jungkook started laughing and slapped his arm.

"Wow, sorry. I didn't know you were still scared. If it gets too much you can hold my hand or hide behind my back or whatever, if you want," Jungkook said while counting his money.

Taehyung pictured himself holding Jungkook's hand for a second and blushed, the other luckily not realizing since he was still counting his money. For a moment, his dread towards horror movies was forgotten, but made its dramatic return as soon as Jungkook bought the tickets.

He gulped, Jungkook glancing over to him. "Aw, don't look so depressed, Tae. We're still gonna have fun, 'kay? Let's go and buy some popcorn and soda," Jungkook spoke assuringlt, nudging him slightly. Taehyung smiled nervously and nodded bashfully.

"Woah, Taehyung? Wouldn't have expected you to watch a horror movie here!" Taehyung froze and turned his head towards the source of the sudden voice, which was a short, redheaded male going by the name Park Jimin.

He heard Jungkook groan next to him which definetely channelled his attention.
Oh my god, is he jealous again? Awwh, Jungkook..., he thought.

"Be right back," he whispered to the raven-haired boy and strutted towards the redhead, said raven-haired boy watching him with a face of pure displeasure.

"Hey, Jimin. Well, it actually was Jungkook's idea, I don't like scary movies." Jimin giggled.

"Neither do I. But my girlfriend, she likes that stuff. So does my cousin, he lives in a small village without a cinema so he came here. This one." He pointed a finger at two figures leaning against the wall, a girl and a boy, waiting for their companion to come.

Taehyung bowed his head at them, the girl bowing back and smiling at him sweetly, the boy next to her giving a small grin and checking him out from head to toe which made Taehyung feel a bit insecure.

"Gotta go, Jimin. Have fun." He started distancing himself while waving, the other waving as well.

"Hey, I'm back. When does the movie start?," he asked as soon as he reached Jungkook, the other turning on his phone screen to see the time on the display.

"Two minutes to go. Hey, by the way..."
Jungkook laid the popcorn bag and the soda bottles on a nearby table and suddenly moved closer, making the blonde panick.
Oh my god, what is he doing?! Help!

He draped an arm around his shoulders and leaned closer to whisper something in his ear softly.
"Jimin's girlfriend is pretty, huh?"
Taehyung felt a sudden pang in his heart, the weird stingy feeling coming back again. He sighed subconsciously.

Hesitantly, he looked towards Jimin and his cheery-looking raven-haired girlfriend, both of them sipping from the same coke bottle and snickering at each other's jokes.

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