Chapter 30

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The talent show wasn't all too bad, Taehyung had to admit.
Of course, it was terribly cheesy and cringe-worthy at times, but at other times, you could definetely see how professional it was.

Currently, a senior named Kim Seokjin was singing his self-produced song talkikg about self-love, 'Epiphany'.
And Taehyung totally didn't tear up by how beautiful it was.
Everything was on point: The vocals, the visuals, even the stage.

Reaching into the almost empty popcorn bowl to snatch some of the leftover popcorn, he flinched when his hand accidentally brushed over something soft and smooth.

Another hand.

Shit. This is the second time this happened to me. To us. Why...

Hoping the boy next to him hadn't noticed, he tried to pull his hand back as quickly as possible, but he didn't even come that far.

Because he intertwined his fingers with Taehyung's fingers.

And Taehyung had to admit that he was still terribly in love with Jungkook.
As their senior on stage hit the last chorus, giving everyone goosebumps, Taehyung and Jungkook just stayed like this, neither of them uttering a single word.

But both of them definetely felt something. And that had nothing to do with the song, that both of them knew.

And for the rest of the annual Christmas talent show, their hands stayed intertwined, neither of them willing to let go.

After their senior Kim Seokjin's heart-wrenching performance, a cute sophomore girl who sang a song about unrequited love (Oh, how Taehyung could relate...) and a junior pianist who played a very impressing and breathtaking piece on the piano made their attendances.
And then, it was Jimin's and Mark's time to shine.

Taehyung knew they were good dancers, but he didn't imagine them being that good.

The way they moved, it was like they owned the stage and perhaps the whole auditorium aswell.
Their movements were elegant and gracious yet sharp and accentuated at the same time, and not to mention, smooth as hell.
It was like they removed the entirety their bones before appearing on stage.

The music was also quite an interesting combination. Going from a slow, melancholy tune over to a wild, fast hip-hop track, back to slow, then back to wild, it was an unusual but definetely addicting to watch.

Taehyung couldn't help but let his jaw drop at the, ironically, jaw-dropping performance. It was like his eyes were glued to the stage and bound to watch the two boys on stage.

Jungkook, who definetely noticed, couldn't help but feel a tad jealous. It wasn't like he could do anything about it, it probably was just in his nature.
Thus, he tightened the hold of their intertwined hands and gave Taehyung a slight sideeye.

He narrowed his eyes when Taehyung didn't react.

Oh, you're being such a douche, Jungkook. Stop being a prepubescent, asshole teen for once and just focus on the performance. It's not like he likes you, anyways. He's just holding your hand right now. Yeah, it doesn't mean anything, Jungkook thought to himself, hoping that this performance would come to an end soon, so that Taehyung would stop drooling over them.

And, much to Taehyung's dismay, seven precious minutes later, the two cousins were done with their ground-breaking performance and had to leave the stage with their whole bodies covered in sweat and them panting heavily. Loud cheers and screams accompanied them on their way out.
Jungkook was probably the only person who was actually glad about them leaving.

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