Chapter 53

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As Taehyung walked out of his seemingly endless Maths class and shuffled his feet towards the locker room, he received many judgy stares and whispers as he moved on and on.

Of course, everyone avoided him like the plague and threw him dirty looks at every opportunity given. Which he had actually expected, by the way.

He didn't really mind, actually. As long as Jungkook was by his side, he felt safe. Jimin had also showed his support by yelling how proud and happy he was and embracing him into a tight hug.

But in times like these in which him and his lover were seperated by attending different classes and his dear friend was missing school, he felt very unsafe. The stares seemed to be boring into him more then ever, trying to tear open his skin and get under it. The whispers also appeared louder than usual to him, his ears perking up and trying to catch some words they say.
Overall, he just felt overly anxious.

He couldn't help but be extremely paranoid and look over his shoulder every five seconds to check if someone was following him and trying to attack him from behind. What Jackson and Chris did surely left him with some bad memories, and paranoia.

When he finally arrived at his locker, he took a deep breath. He absolutely hated feeling like this. It just wasn't fair. Why did him and Jungkook have to go through such a horrible situation with basically no one to rely on but each other and very few other people? The cyber-bullying hadn't stopped, for either of them.

Why did he have to be scared turning every corner and feel a pang in his chest every time he woke up and realized he would have to go to school? Or when he unlocked his phone?
Just why?

Trying to keep him and his emotions under control, he shoved some school books, folders and exercise books into his locker and searched for the ones he would need for the upcoming periods, sadly only one of them including Jungkook.

As he turned around to go and search his boyfriend in either the Chem lab or the gym, he suddenly came face to face with someone who he had clearly not expected and gasped in surprise.


The brunette sent a small smile his way.
"Missed me? This is my last day at this school, I'm transferring. I'm here to check out my school books."
Taehyung looked down to see a big shopping bag filled with books and school material. Then he looked back up and gave a tight-lipped, sarcastic smile.

"Not gonna lie, I'm kind of relieved you're going. And I most certainly did not miss you."
The taller boy raised his eyebrows surprised, probably having expected Taehyung to show some sympathy to him on his last day.

"Damn, babe. You're fierce now, huh? What happened to the shy, stuttering Kim Taehyung who gets scared when being confronted with any unusual kind of situation?" He grinned, stepping a bit closer.

Narrowing his eyes and placing his palm in front of the brunette's chest to refrain him from coming anymore closer, Taehyung scoffed. "He grew up and he's definetely not happy to see you. And don't you dare call me that, I have a boyfriend. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
He tried walking away but shot a piercing glare as he felt his shoulder being grabbed to hold him in place.

"Not so fast. I still have a question." Biting his lower lip in annoyance, the blonde pushed the hand off his shoulder and put his hands on his hips.
"Make it short, I'm not going to be patient for much longer."

"Of course. Is Jungkook actually your boyfriend? I've heard some things." Taehyung rolled his eyes, sighing.
"He is. I love him and he loves me, simple like that. And if he sees you talking to me, he's gonna beat your sorry ass."
Mark chuckled sarcastically.

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