Chapter 18

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When Taehyung woke up, he could feel his face being sticky and swollen by all the tears he cried the previous night and groaned.

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he tried to lift himself off his bed and groaned again as he failed to do so.

And that's when he noticed an arm tightly slung around his waist, holding him against their front.
Taehyung gasped loudly when he saw Jungkook's peacefully sleeping face, his heartbeat accelerating.

Did we fall asleep like this?! Oh my god!

Then, he tried to remove the other's arm from his waist, which was harder than it appeared to be. Even while being asleep, Jungkook still had unbelievable arm strength.

After multiple tries, he finally managed to pry his arm off and stood up on shaky feet, recalling the events from just a night ago.

Oh my god! Jungkook supports me!

He let out a tiny squeal, clasping his hands together and jumping around, smiling widely.

He felt stupid, like a silly teenage girl.
But falling for Jungkook made him feel so different, like he would never be the same anymore.

(A/N: As a silly teenage girl I can confirm, this is me everytime I think about my crush and she doesn't even like me back, ugh)

"Uhh... Good morning?"
Taehyung abruptly turned around to see a half-awaken Jungkook sitting on his bed with his hair disheveled and his hand running through it in attempt to flatten it.

Taehyung felt his heartbeat quicken at the way too domestic sight and blushed out of embarrassment because Jungkook saw him acting all teenage-girly.

"H-Hey, Jungkook."

Then, he fled to the bathroom.


Jungkook was definetely puzzled as he recalled the memories from last night.

Did he dream all of this? Taehyung's unexpected coming out?

Of course he didn't.

He threw a glance onto the older's bed, which surprisingly didn't look like anyone slept in it.

Weird... whatever.

He started thinking about Taehyung from just a few minutes ago, the way he jumped around while squealing.

What got him so worked up? Well, whatever.

The ravenette started smiling. Seeing his best friend act like this was... oddly cute.

Taehyung was just generally... cute.
Jungkook never paid attention to such things but now that he came to learn such an important and big aspect of his personality, he couldn't help but think about Taehyung.

Not the Taehyung that was his best friend. Just... Taehyung.

He must've had it hard...

Which is partly my fault too! I probably made him uncomfortable with all my girlfriend-talks.

But then again, how was I supposed to know? I didn't expect this for sure!

Back then, while worrying about Taehyung, Jungkook had thought of multiple situations the older could've come across.

Did he get a girl pregnant?

Did he get threatened by a dangerous mafia leader?

Did he have a secret girlfriend who broke up with him?

Did he pick a fight with someone and that fight escalated?

Did he get caught doing drugs or vandalizing our town's property?

Did his family have crucial money problems?

So many different scenarios crossed his thoughts, but weirdly, him being gay and scared to come out didn't occur to him once.

He tried to imagine himself in Taehyung's situation.

Everyone assuming he was something that he was not. Forcing something onto him which he had no interest in. Many people around him thinking he was a sinner, simply for existing the way he was.

It didn't feel good.

Jungkook then remembered all the times he talked to Taehyung about girls.

He must've felt so out of place.
I feel so sorry for him.

Will he find a boyfriend soon?

To get used to the thought, Jungkook tried to imagine Taehyung with a boyfriend.
Tall, handsome, strong.
Holding hands with the boyfriend.

And for a short second, he accidentally saw himself.

Gasping and shaking his head at the ridiculous thought, he huffed.

What are you thinking... You obviously like girls, Jungkook. And he's your best friend!

Jungkook had never had the option of liking another gender than, of course, the opposite one.
He hadn't even considered another option.

Living in an extremely heteronormative society, there was only one option.
Well, that's what he thought, at least.

Of course, his parents had lectured him about different kinds of love than the stereotypical one, but even though he respected it, he didn't believe it was very common.

In fact, he had never really thought about it.

But now, Taehyung initiated his first thoughts.

If Taehyung and I didn't know each other, would there be a chance of him liking me?

I mean, I am pleasant to look at.
And I'm polite, and considerate.
And tall. And strong.

Wait, why am I even thinking about this?

Despite attempting to steer his thoughts away from that topic, his mind kept drifting back to it.

Would I ever kiss a boy? Out of free will?

Would I ever take a boy out on a date?

Would I ever have s-- No, Jungkook. Stop that! That's inappropriate.

Widening his eyes at the last thought, Jungkook facepalmed and shook his head, continuing to think about the first two ones.

Kissing a boy wouldn't be too bad, right? If he gives consent, why not?

Taking a boy out? I can imagine that. If he's cute, I think I might even like it.

But what am I getting those thoughts for? It's not like I can do these things here, right?

Jungkook shook his head once again.
There was no way he was like that. Out of everyone in the whole wide world, it couldn't be him, right?

But Taehyung was. Which was the very reason he was stressing his head about it right now.

Would it be theoretically possible to like both genders?

Jungkook had no idea. He had never met a person who liked the same or both genders and was hereby very confused on why these unusual thoughts corrupted his head so suddenly.

They did seem a bit suspicious.

But did they mean anything?


(A/N: Sooo, in case you haven't noticed, this is the first time I properly focused on Jungkook's perspective, this is only the beginninggg :D

His situation is reallyyy relatable btw (which is why I wrote it lmao)

I remember when I realized I wasn't straight, I questioned it for like 3 years and made up some VERY ridiculous excuses and right now, I'm like 95% gay and 5% straight so yeah, this shit actually happens :)

Bye byeee, have a nice day or night 💜💜 )

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