Chapter 20

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Dear diary...

So much happened in the last few days.

Okayyy, not that much, but still!
I came out to Jungkook, ahhhhhh!!!
(You may not hear me but I'm squeaking around like some kind of dolphin right now, my emotions are just going overboard, okay?)

He was so sweet about it, he told me he supported me and he even comforted me when I got emotional, I'm so lucky to be in love with someone like him.

Yes, you heard right. I think I'm in love with him.
In love.

Now that I know what it feels like, these words have so much more meaning to me.

And yes, I still know he's my straight best friend, but just let me enjoy the euphoria of being in love while it lasts!

Jesus, I hope I can control myself... every time I see him, I wanna run into his arms, hug him and not let go for a hundred years. Every time he texts me, I start screaming and jumping around in my room, my mom's probably wondering what the hell is wrong with me! (A lot of things, mom... a lot of things... ^w^)

I should stop. I'm in such a good mood today, it's indescribable.
All thanks to Jungkook, I guess.

And it's 8am, I have to get ready for school... :(

But at least I'll see Jungkook... :)

I'll get going, bye bye, dear diary!



A few days later, Taehyung still found himself to be in a good mood, which he quite enjoyed.

Leaning his head on his elbow, he threw some sneaky glances at his beloved Jungkook's side profile.

The younger looked tense, he kept clenching his jaw and just stared blankly into the distance, Taehyung noticed and frowned.

Is he okay? Does it have to do something with me?

It doesn't, right? I hope he's just tired.

Suddenly, he felt like Jungkook sensed someone's eyes on him as he started looking around with furrowed eyebrows. Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up and quickly turned his head towards his boring chemistry notes.

To not seem suspicious, he dropped his pencil, grabbed his eraser and rubbed on the full sheet in a concentrated manner, stretching his hand out for his pen shortly after.

But before he could reach it, he felt his hand accidentally touch another hand and looked up shocked.

As he looked up, he met brown, captivating, equally shocked eyes.
And it felt like time stopped for a moment.

Jungkook seemed to have reached for his pen at the same time, both their hands aiming for the metallic blue pen, lying in the middle of the table peacefully.
Taehyung felt his body tense, his heartbeat pick up its pace and his cheeks redden intensely.

Fuck, I'm blushing. There's no way he didn't notice that. Ugh, kill me!

He quickly looked away from the other.
"U-Umm... Taehyung? T-That's my pen..."

Hastily, the blonde removed his hand from the other's, still not facing Jungkook since he was feeling way too embarrassed.

You stupid boy, you don't even have your pen today! That's why you used a pencil in the first place!

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