Chapter 61

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A blonde boy stood by the porch nervously, his hair disheveled and his slender fingers pressing the doorbell desperately as he panted frantically.

"Jungkook... Jungkook, please open the door," he whined quietly, feeling anxiety bubble up inside of him and tears well up his eyes. His hands started shaking as he kept pressing the bell on and on. By now, it had been minutes.
He bit his lower lip in frustration as he recalled the events from earlier.



"S-So... you're leaving?"

The ravenette looked at him with an unreadable expression on his face.
Was he hurt? Was he angry? Was he disappointed or was he worried?
He couldn't tell.

"Jungkook, I--," he started but got interrupted immediately.
"No, save it," Jungkook said dismissively.
"You obviously don't want to tell me."

"What? No, I promise you, it's not like that! I was just waiting for the right time..." The ravenette raised an eyebrow at him.

"The right time, huh? Sounded a lot to me like you just wanted to leave unannounced. You know, if you're that set on getting rid of me, might aswell tell me." His voice sounded monotonous, emotionless, even. And a lot lower than usual. Not even properly looking at the other, Jungkook started walking away from the scene slowly.

Pulling him back by grabbing his arm, Taehyung exclaimed: "No-- This is a misunderstanding. It's not like you think, please let me explain."
The younger pulled his arm out of his grip, not looking impressed. His gaze was cold, much colder than the blonde was used to.

"Oh, yeah? It's not like I think? What am I supposed to think, then? It sounded pretty clear to me, Taehyung. Don't follow me," he deadpanned, immediately turning around and leaving the locker rooms.
Taehyung was panicking.

No. That was not the way Jungkook was supposed to find out.
What was he supposed to do now?

He was about to run after him and stop him when all of a sudden, his Maths teacher came across him and ordered him to get to class immediately. Taehyung did not have a choice but to follow his strict teacher, not being able to function properly or concentrate for the whole rest of the school day.


It took a good five minutes for the front door to get opened, an expressionless Jungkook standing right in front of him with his lips pursed.

"What do you want?"

"Jungkook, please listen to me. I want to explain. Please let me. Please."
Not even properly waiting for an answer, he made his way inside, feeling like he could collapse any moment. This was the most overwhelming situation he had been in for a while, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing Jungkook's usually loving gaze suddenly turn into such a cold and doubtful one broke him-- and all because of a misunderstanding.

The ravenette hadn't said anything up to now, still not properly looking at him. Taehyung couldn't help but notice the way he was walking. It seemed so unstable, like he was about to fall any minute.

"Are you okay? You're walking like a drunk man about to collapse, do you need to lie down?," he asked worriedly, Jungkook's head snapping up and their eyes meeting which made Taehyung lower his own head immediately.
"Why are you trying to change the topic?," he asked coolly, his dark voice sending shivers down the blonde's spine.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried. Uh, so. Here's what happened. I-It has to do with my father. Again." He took a deep breath, feeling his breaths become quicker as he spoke.

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